#201: Love is the answer
to any of your
questions today.
Just start there first and watch magic
#202: Just
because no one's ever done it before doesn't mean it's impossible. Go for it!
#203: Knowing
that what we focus on grows, count your blessings instead of your problems.
#204: Feeling
stuck? The best
way to get unstuck is to go do something for someone else!
#205: Live purposefully. Give
abundantly. Love unconditionally. Hug joyfully. Celebrate gratefully.
#206: Happiness
is found in your heart, not in your circumstances.
#207: When your burning
desire for success
is greater than
your deepest fear of failure,
you can create anything in your life!
#208: No
one deserves loving kindness today more than you do.
#209: Tomorrow, when you are a beautiful butterfly, it will be hard to remember your days as a
#210: Even enlightened people have problems. The
only difference
is in their reaction to them.
#211: We
do have a choice in everything, everyday--even when it appears that we don't.
#212: What
you get from life will be in direct proportion to what you give TO life.
#213: You cannot discover
new lands unless
you take your
ship out of the harbor. Sail on brave
#214: Appreciate
where you've been, anticipate where you're going, but most importantly, cherish
where you are in this moment.
#215: Laugh
more + love more = live a longer, healthier and happier life.
#216: Once
you understand that abundance is there for everyone, life gets much easier.
#217: If you're going
through a rough
time, the Universe just might be preparing you for something greater.
#218: Your worst day may
be someone else's
best day. It's all perspective. How we see ourselves changes how we see the
#219: The false beliefs
we have in our heads
are our only cause
of unhappiness. Change
our thought, change
our world.
#220: Know
that the real gift you
give isn't the presents--it's your presence.
#221: Love's
the only road to travel.
#222: Serendipity happens to us all every day. The key to the
frequency and importance is simple: Pay attention.
#223: Even if you
don't know how to complete a project, just
take the first step. There is power in action.
#224: Everything
happens for a reason, even if you don't understand it in the moment.
#225: Rather
than fighting the wind, it's much easier
to trim the sails.
#226: May you be safe,
may you be happy,
may you be healthy,
may you live
with ease and know that
you are loved.
#227: Do something today
that makes you grow.
Stretch your boundaries and reach outside
of the box. #228: Every day, dream and
be inspired. Read
a good story, sing
a song, play
in Nature and share
love. #229: The first step
to loving someone
is understanding who
they are. Listen with
your heart.
#230: What's
possible for you in your life? Ask. Trust. Infinite
possibilities are born of faith.
#231: Happiness
is a choice that you get to make.
#232: Nothing
can dissipate adversity faster than changing your focus.
#233: Life
is richer when we celebrate our successes rather than focusing on our failures.
#234: For all that you do, and all that you are, no one deserves loving
kindness today more than you do.
#235: The only way to bring
something into your
life is to first believe that
it's possible, for without vision and belief, nothing happens.
#236: No matter the question, love
is always the answer.
Start there first and watch magic
#237: You
only lose when you give up.
#238: Go with the flow and be willing to allow change
into your life,
for change is the only
thing that's constant.
#239: The more you worry, the less
you dream. Choose to dream.
#240: Focus
on what you DO have instead of what you don't.
#241: Anything is possible. The most audacious dreams
can be realized, by intention, preparation, action and
unwavering belief.
#242: There is greater value in
implementation than in simply having an idea. Make it happen.
#243: A
single candle can light the way for the masses. Today, shine brightly.
#244: Thinking that we have to create abundance is like thinking we have to create sunshine. We ARE abundance.
#245: The problem is not that there are problems. The problem
is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.
#246: Belief,
not worry, is the only way out of a bad situation.
#247: What
we choose to do in each moment defines
where we're going in our life.
#248: Live
to give and give to life. Giving is the reason for living.
#249: Praise is one of the best inexpensive gifts we can shower
on others. Catch
someone doing something right.
#250: If I have any regrets
at the end of my life, I want them
to be for the things
I did do, not those that
I didn't.
If you have any Misunderstanding Please let me know