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Who is a fool

Who is a fool

He, on the other hand, who is ignorant of scripture yet vain, poor yet proud, and who resort to unfair means for the acquisition of his objects, is a fool.

He who, forsaking his own, concerned himself with the objects of others, and who practiced deceitful means for serving his friends, is called a fool.

He who wish for those things that should not be desired, and forsake those that may legitimately be desired, and who beareth malice to those that are powerful, is regarded to be a foolish soul.

He who regardeth his foe as his friend, who hateth and beareth malice to his friend, and who committeth wicked deeds, is said to be a person of foolish soul.

O bull of the Bharata race, he who divulgeth his projects, doubteth in all things, and spendeth a long time in doing what requireth a short time, is a fool.
He who doth not perform the Sraddha for the Pitris, nor worshippeth the deities, nor acquireth noble-minded friends, is said to be a person of foolish soul.
That worst of men who entereth a place uninvited, and talketh much without being asked, and reposeth trust on untrustworthy wights, is a fool.

That man who being himself guilty casteth the blame on others, and who though impotent giveth vent to anger, is the most foolish of men.

That man, who, without knowing his own strength and dissociated from both virtue and profit, desireth an object difficult of acquisition, without again adopting adequate means, is said to be destitute of intelligence.

O king, he who punisheth one that is undeserving of punishment, payeth homage to persons without their knowledge, and waiteth upon misers, is said to be of little sense.

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