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Summary of of master mind by nepolian hill

 Sales Agents or Managers who wish to increase the selling power of their sales force. A large part of the Law of Success course was developed from the lifework and experience of the greatest automobile salesman, and it is therefore of unusual help to the sales manager who is directing the efforts of a sales force.

Life Insurance Agents who wish to add new policyholders and increase the insurance on present policyholders. One life insurance salesman in Ohio sold a $50,000 policy to one of the officials of the Central Steel Company, as the result of just one reading of the lesson on Profiting by Failure. This same salesman has become one of the star men of the New York Life Insurance Company's staff, as the result of his training in the seventeen laws of success.

School Teachers who wish to advance to the top in their present occupa- tion or who are looking for an opportunity to enter the field of business as a life's work.

Students, both college and high school, who are undecided as to the field of endeavor they wish to enter. The Law of Success course includes a personal analysis chart that will help the student of the philosophy to determine the work for which he or she is best suited.

Bankers who wish to extend their business through better service and more courteous methods of serving their clients.

Mid-level Managers who are ambitious to prepare themselves for execu- tive positions in some commercial or industrial field.

Physicians and Dentists who wish to extend their practice without vio- lating the ethics of their profession by direct advertising. A prominent physician has said that the Law of Success course is worth $ I ,000 to any professional man or woman whose professional ethics prevent direct advertising.WHO SAID IT COULD NOT BE DONE? AND WHAT GREAT VICTORIES HAS HE TO HIS CREDIT WHICH QUALIFY HIM TO JUDGE OTHERS ACCURATELY?INTRODUCTION TO THE MASTER MIND 1I3

Entrepreneurs and Promoters who wish to develop new and previously unworked combinations in business or industry.

Real Estate Agents who wish to create new methods for promoting sales. This lesson contains a description of an entirely new real estate pro- motion plan which is sure to make fortunes for many who will put it to use. This plan may be put into operation in practically every state. Moreover, it may be used by agents who never promoted an enterprise. (In fact the principle described in this introductory lesson is said to have made a small fortune for a man who used it as the basis of a real estate promotion. )

Farmers who wish to discover new methods of marketing their prod- ucts so as to give them greater net returns, and those who own lands suitable for subdivision promotion under the plan referred to at the end of this lesson. Many farmers have "gold mines" in the land they own that is not suitable for cultivation, but could be used for recreation and resort purposes on a highly profitable basis.

Entry-level Service Workers who are looking for a practical plan to pro- mote themselves into higher and better-paying positions. The Law of Success course is said to be the best course ever written on the subject of marketing personal services.

Printers who want a larger volume of business as well as more efficient production through better Cooperation among their own employees. Laborers who have the ambition to advance into more responsible posi- tions, in work that has greater responsibilities and consequently offers more pay. Lawyers who wish to extend their clientele through dignified, ethical methods that will bring them to the attention, in a favorable way, of a greater number of people who need legal services.114 THE PRINCIPLES OF SELF-MASTERY

Business Executives who wish to expand their present business, or who wish to handle their present volume with less expense, as the result of greater Cooperation among their employees.

Service Industry Owners who wish to extend their business by teaching their drivers how to serve more courteously and efficiently.

Life Insurance General Agents who wish bigger and more efficient sales organizations.

Chain Store Managers who want a greater volume of business as the result of more efficient individual sales efforts.

Married People who are unhappy, and therefore unsuccessful, because of lack of harmony and Cooperation in the home.

To all described in the foregoing classification, the Law of Success philosophy offers both definite and speedy aid.


The main purpose of this lesson is to introduce some of the principles upon which the course is founded. These principles are more accurately described, and the student is taught in a very definite manner how to apply them, in the individual lessons which follow. All new ideas, and especially those of an abstract nature, will settle comfortably into the human mind only after much repetition, a well- known truth that accounts for the restatement, in this summary, of the principle known as the Master Mind. A Master Mind may be developed by a friendly alliance, in a spirit of harmony of purpose, between two or more minds. This is an appropriate place at which to explain that out of every alliance of minds, whether in a spirit of harmony or not, there is de- veloped another mind which affects all participating in the alliance. NoINTRODUCTION TO THE MASTER MIND IIS

two or more minds ever met without creating, out of that contact, another mind, but this creation is not always a Master Mind. There may be, and altogether too often there is, developed out of the meeting of two or more minds a negative power which is just the opposite of a Master Mind. There are certain minds which, as has been stated throughout this lesson, cannot be made to blend in a spirit of harmony. This principle has its analogy in chemistry. For example, the chemical formula H 20 (meaning the combining of two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen) changes these two elements into water. But one atom of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen will not produce water; moreover, they cannot be made to associate themselves in harmony! There are many known elements which, when combined, are immediately transformed from harmless into deadly poisonous sub- stances. Stated differently, many well-known poisonous elements are neutralized and rendered harmless when combined with certain other elements. Just as the combining of certain elements changes their entire nature, the combining of certain minds changes the nature of those minds, pro- ducing either a certain degree of what has been called a Master Mind, or its opposite which is highly destructive. Some minds will not be harmonized and cannot be blended into a Master Mind-a fact that all leaders will do well to remember. It is the leader's responsibility to group his or her subordinates so that those who have been placed at the most strategic points in the organ- ization are those whose minds can and will be blended in a spirit of friendliness and harmony. Ability to bring people together is the chief outstanding quality of Leadership. In Lesson Two of this course you will discover that this ability was the main source of both the power and fortune accumulated by the late Andrew Carnegie.AN AIM IN LIFE IS THE ONLY FORTUNE WORTH FINDING; AND IT IS NOT TO BE FOUND IN FOREIGN LANDS, BUT IN THE HEART ITSELF. -Robert Louis StevensonINTRODUCTION TO THE MASTER MIND II7

Knowing nothing whatsoever about the technical end of the steel business, Carnegie so combined and grouped the people of which his Master Mind was composed that he built the most successful steel industry known to the world during his lifetime. Henry Ford's gigantic success may be traced to the successful application of this selfsame principle. With all the self-reliance that a man could have, Ford, nevertheless, did not depend on himself for the knowledge necessary in the successful development of his industries. Like Carnegie, he surrounded himself with people who supplied the knowledge that he, himself, did not and could not possess. Moreover, Ford picked men who could and did harmonize in group effort. The most effective alliances, which have resulted in the creation of the principle known as the Master Mind, have been those developed out of the blending of the minds of men and women. The reason for this is that the minds of male and female will more readily blend in harmony than will the minds of only one gender. As well, the added stimulus of potential sexual contact often enters into the development of a Master Mind between a man and a woman. The road to success may be, and generally is, obstructed by many influences that must be removed before the goal can be reached. One of the most detrimental of these obstacles is that of unfortunate alli- ance with minds that do not harmonize. In such cases the alliance must be broken or the end is sure to be defeat and failure. Those who master the six basic fears, one of which is the fear of criticism, will have no hesitancy in taking what may seem to the more convention-bound type of mind to be drastic action when they find themselves circumscribed and bound down by antagonistic alliances, no matter of what nature or with whom they may be. lt is a million times better to meet and face criticism than to be dragged down to failure and oblivion as a result of alliances that are not harmonious, whether the alliances be of a business or social nature.IlS THE PRINCIPLES OF SELF-MASTERY

While it is true that some minds will not blend in a spirit of harmony, and cannot be forced or induced to do so because of the chemical nature of the individuals' brains, do not be too ready to charge the other party to your alliance with all the responsibility for lack of harmony-remember, the trouble may be with your own brain! Remember, also, that a mind that cannot and will not harmonize with one person or persons may harmonize perfectly with other types of minds. Discovery of this has resulted in radical changes in methods of hiring. It is no longer customary to dismiss an employee who does not fit the position for which he or she was originally hired. The discriminating leader endeavors to place such a person in some other position, where, it has been proved more than once, such individuals may become valuable. You should be sure that the principle described as the Master Mind is thoroughly understood before proceeding with the remaining lessons of the course. The reason for this is that practically the entire course is closely associated with this law of mind operation. If you are not sure you understand this law, analyze the record of anyone who has accumulated a great fortune, and you will find that they have, either consciously or unconsciously, employed the Master Mind principle. No amount of time spent in serious thought and contemplation in connection with the law of the Master Mind is too much, for when you have mastered this law, and learned how to apply it, new worlds of opportunity will open to you. Any sales organization may make effective use of the law of the Master Mind by grouping the sales force into groups of two or more people who will ally themselves in a spirit of friendly Cooperation and apply this law as suggested in this lesson. An agent for a well-known make of automobile, who employs a sales force of twelve, has grouped the organization into six groups of two each, with the object of applying the law of the Master Mind. As a result, all the salespeople have established new high-sales records.INTRODUCTION TO THE MASTER MIND II9

This same organization has created what it calls the "One-A-Week Club," meaning that every member of the club has averaged the sale of one car a week since the club was organized. The results of this effort have been surprising to all! Each member of the club was provided with a list of one hundred prospective pur- chasers of automobiles. Each salesperson sends one postcard a week to each of those one hundred prospective purchasers, and makes personal calls on at least ten of these each day. Each postcard is confined to the description of just one advantage of the automobile and asks for a personal interview. Interviews have increased rapidly, as have sales! The agent who employs this sales force has offered an extra cash bonus to anyone who earns the right to membership in the One-A-Week Club by averaging the sale of one car a week. This plan has injected new vitality into the entire organization, and the results are showing in the weekly sales record. A similar plan could also be adopted very effectively by life insurance agencies. Any enterprising general agent might easily double or even triple the volume of business through the use of this plan. Practically no changes whatsoever would need to be made in the method of use of the plan. The club might be called the Policy-A-Week Club, meaning that each member pledges to sell at least one policy, of an agreed minimum amount, each week. The student of this course who has mastered the second lesson, A Definite Chief Aim, and understands how to apply the fundamentals of that lesson, will be able to make much more effective use of the plan here described. It is not suggested or intended that anyone undertake to apply the principles of this lesson until they have mastered at least the next five lessons of the Law of Success course. The automobile sales organization to which I have here referred holds a lunchtime meeting once a week. An hour and a half is devotedIF YOU CANNOT DO GREAT THINGS YOURSELF, REMEMBER THAT YOU MAY DO SMALL THINGS IN A GREAT WAY.INTRODUCTION TO THE MASTER MIND 121

to the meeting and to the discussion of ways and means of applying the principles of this course. This gives each individual member an opportunity to profit by the ideas of all the other members. Two tables are set for the lunch. At one table, all who have earned the right to membership in the One-A-Week Club are seated. At the other table, which is serviced with tinware instead of china, are those who did not earn the right to membership in the club. These, needless to say, become the object of considerable good-natured chiding from the more fortunate members seated at the other table. It is possible to make an almost endless variety of adaptations of this plan. The justification for its use is that it pays! It pays not only the leader or the manager of the organization, but every member of the sales force as well. I have briefly described this plan here for the purpose of showing you one of many ways to make practical application of the principles outlined in this course. The fmal acid test of any theory or rule or principle is that it will actually work. The law of the Master Mind has been proved sound because it works! If you understand this law, you are now ready to proceed with Lesson Two, A Definite Chief Aim, in which you will be further and much more deeply initiated in the application of the principles described in this introductory lesson.

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