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Golden walnut


Golden walnut


      Long time ago. A blacksmith and his wife lived in a village. He was not lacking in wealth or anything. The misery was that they had no children. One night the blacksmith's wife dreamed. He saw a tree in a dense forest. Whose twigs tilted with the weight of the fruit. A large golden walnut was hanging on this twig.


      When she watched this dream for three nights, she said to her husband, "You go to the forest and bring me that golden walnut. ''


    Blacksmith did not believe this, but he had to walk. After all, he reached the middle of a dense forest. There, he saw the same tree, whose twig was twisted and a golden walnut hanging on it.


    As soon as he broke his walnuts by twisting his arm, a squirrel filled with anger and said, "How did you dare to break this wallet?"


      That squirrel was not an ordinary squirrel. Her hair was white like snow and there was a necklace of golden walnuts in the throat.


    'Queen of the forest, you do not get angry with me - Lohar politely said, I did not know that it was forbidden to break it. I'll give it to my sick wife.''


     The squirrel said, " You have spoken the truth, so I am giving you this nut gift. Tell your wife that she will cook her pulp and leave it open. Your house will be two twin boys. When they are twenty years old, give them half-a-half. Both of them go into the jungle and throw them on the ground where they hear the hoofs of Hud-hud on the tree. Then the fate of both of them will be decided.''


    White Squirrel was stated by, so it is. Blacksmith's twins are boys. But both were very different from each other in colour form. The eyes of a boy were dark blue and the other was brown. Both of them gradually became young. Both were beautiful and shapely. But the black-eyed boy was cruel and harsh with nature and with soft eyes and compassionate and kind.


     When he was twenty years old, the father opened him half-a-half of the nut. The boys went to the forest. As soon as the voice of Hudhud's ' Thak-Thak ' fell in the ears, he threw it on the ground and in the second moment he stood on the edge of a clinging source. The white squirrel was sitting on a twig in front of them. At the bottom of a tree two walnuts were lying. One of them was plain and rough and the other was shining.


      The squirrel said, " Take one of your own choices. Do not be overwhelmed by it, because it will decide your luck. ''


    Not with a black-eyed boy He immediately blazed and picked up the shining nut. Rugged nut was the other brother's hand.


     White squirrel said, " Now break your own walnut. Which turned out to be something, do content with that, because it does not interfere with a third.''


    She disappeared in the woods moving the tail.


     The black-eyed brother broke his walnut first. A black coloured horse stood in front of him. There was a uniform from the horse saddle, which had a golden lace. Apart from this, there was a sword, whose shaft was of gold.


    "Ah! On the strength of this sword, I will collect the world's money. " He proudly filled it with glee and said proudly.


      After this the boys with brown eyes broke their walnuts. A simple ponytail stood in front of him. There was a bag on his back, in which there were mind-shaped-minded seeds.



     Both brothers boarded their own horse and walked in different directions.


     One day the brown eyes wandered in the woods and two days in the plains. On the third day in the evening, he reached a village and started looking for a place to spend the night. When he stopped in front of a shack, a farmer came out and welcomed him and said politely, " You can live happily with us." We regret that we will not be able to serve you more. A robber takes away our crops. ''


    " Why do not you catch him?" The boy with brown eyes asked.


     The farmer replied, " How do we hold? That guy is a little It is hot air which causes scarcity of crops. ''


    He lay down his bag of seed and lay down in a farmer's courtyard. He felt that seeds were shaking.


    'Give us a seat, give us a boo "Came the voice of the 'bag -' 'We'll make a thick wall, which will prevent them from coming in the fields of hot air.


      The next day the boy said to the farmer, " Can I live with you? Maybe we both succeed in preventing hot air.''


     Farmers were very happy to hear this proposal and they both started living together. Now the young man with brown eyes was not there for years or two years, but twenty years have passed. Even the hair of his head became white. He who sowed the seeds, they had a long-long dense trees of olives. Hot air returned to bumper with them, and the wheat rises in the fields. They used to harvest fine-grained crops every year. Seeing the wheat earrings, a brown-eyed man blossomed with glee and remembered his brother and thought - this is my gold. What will happen to him ?


     Once he was passing through another village. He saw that a young boy was playing with a nut shell. The shell was half gold and half were of iron.


     " Where did you get this shell from?" The brown eyes asked the boy.


     " My father brought it from the battle field. "The boy replied - " An army commander attacked our country. There is a wobbling war. The commander and his soldiers were killed. When people took the body of the commander to bury, the shell fell on the ground from his uniform. ''


    " What was the name of that commander?" Asked the brown eyes.

    "I do not know this. Daddy himself forgot his name, so he did not tell me. "The boy answered and said," What do we need to know his name? " The country as a hostile takeover, regardless of who will remember his name? '


      This is the end of the black-eyed commander brother. But centuries have passed, people still remember this brown-eyed brother and take his name with great respect and affection.

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