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Am I the last link of the human race,


Am I the last link of the human race,


    You can see for yourself, that the society or the world in which we live here, the commodity which is more in the market of the society,  the market of the same goods is flooded, keeping in mind the demand of the people in our market, the goods are produced, the demand of the people is very high for the cheaper commodity,  People prefer the item cheaper than the quality, because people want to save their wealth, secondly people do not even have a lot of money. In the same way, the more you man who has inferior quality, the more friends he has, and the more he will be helpful.


     It is I have experienced, that in the society we live in, people do not recognize man by his qualities, although we recognize that man by his appearances or his way of life and dress, to prove my point I remember a story, once there was a great man whose fame was very much in society because he was very learned,  Hearing his fame, a rich man invited him one day for a meal here. When the scholar came to evening for eat  at him, he was wearing torn old clothes, seeing which the rich man refused to recognize him  , and  returned him from his house, but when the scholar was wearing good clothes,  Then the rich man welcomed them very much and took them along with his rich friends to a high seat for food and  made them sit down, and good delicious food was served to them. But instead of eating the food himself, the scholar began to feed his food to his beautiful good clothes. Seeing this, the rich man and his friends interrupted the scholar and said, "Why are you spoiling your clothes by eating, then the scholar said that you have invited you to eat these clothes, you gave me back when I came wearing torn old clothes." Then the rich said, "I  was forgotten,  please forgive me, we should not identify a person by his clothes."


     I want only thing to tell the story was that this world does this, here people  are recognized for their foolish deeds, people have raised  up a very large army of  eagles only to humiliate the scholar.


      Our society is today ending its  preciousness because people have become accustomed to the object of the illusion, the simplicity of gentlemanliness,  honesty, truth, knowledge, etc., has become mere pretense and pretense. People are losing the power to recognize the truth or knowledge or man, due to which an environment is being created in our society where such human beings are being prepared whose demand is more in our society, the demand for the wrong people has always been more in our society.  Our society does not accept the right people, it does not mean that the right people  are worthless, it just means that there is a lack of people who recognize true diamonds, that is, there should be no jewelers who can recognize human beings.


      In the world in which we live today, there is nothing to do with true untruth, people today only see, what is the work that people will pay more to them by doing it, keeping this in mind, for example, today in this world there is a need for good slaves and fool,  Seeing the demand of which, people are working with great intensity to make themselves a good salve and fool.


      Today we all feel proud to not do the work that the sages maharishis have guided us all to do in our India, for example, the Vedas, Gita Upanishad philosophy, etc., which is the heritage of knowledge, and those who follow that path, may find one in a million people today,  On the contrary,  people   are engaged with their full potential to do and do  such acts of pretense and detour.


      I have dedicated my life to the establishment of the Vedic School, and I want people to go ahead to achieve the knowledge, science and brahmagyan of our sage Maharishis, and cooperate in furthering this work, but people continue to prove me wrong, let alone cooperate,  He tries to do so that how I can end My work and justify and support his foolish acts. This   does not happen in Muslims and religions,  they   cooperate a lot in the furtherance of their society and their religion, but in our Hindu  religion, it is not so, I have not found a single person till date who can help me in this work of mine, I am doing this work of mine alone,  And I want to take our society and country forward, but  to do the social work, the cooperation of the society is needed, if they do not, then that work is interrupted, today such a feeling has taken home in the minds of the people that what is the need of a Vedic University? 

     Because we already have so many universities where people are given knowledge, but people do not understand that the one whom our modern universities are sending into society by giving their recognition is only troubled for the job, and more is troubled for their business, by and large as all the people who are coming out of the university,  All of them only earn money, then marry and enter   the world  of  work sex, the result of which is that he also spends his life by becoming a normal householder  and doing all kinds of acts, can anyone tell me how many free men our university has prepared and removed,  Those who lead a life in the society  like vairagya, sannyas, dharma yoga and brahmachari, and how many people work for the expansion of our sage Maharishi's teachings, gyan vigyan brahmagyan, by building their ashrams. On seeing this,  we can hardly find any person who is calling himself a sadhu sant fakir today, he has all come out of this society, he also has nothing to do with the true knowledge, he speaks by looking at the choice of the people, speaking there which people like,  It is not necessary that all the truth and knowledge. That people like to go to    the party is     more than the dance with girls in the Dhum Dhadaka DJ orchestra, seeing which our and the so-called religious souls are also singing bhajans and kirtans on the same tune.  And they  are advancing their livelihood. This is leading to welfare instead of the welfare of the society. Suppose a man is sick, to cure him, he has to stop the wrong habits  of his, and develop his right habit in his place, but when  the doctor  himself is sick, how can he heal another, today who is a godly and sage yogi,  He himself lives like an ordinary householder, And many - many  - many make  their sex relations with women, and also discuss the same in their story talks,  the names of them keep the dharma yajna, they do exactly the opposite  of it, the propagation of iniquity when people wear the cover of the godly spirit, then a big problem arises,  Therefore, there is also a lie among the people, because of this, people have today created a sense of disharmony for the knowledge of the truth. 


     In the society in which they live today, there is no sadhu being born, no vairagi is being born and no saint is being born, today the so-called sadhu sant  is  doing politics, someone  is doing it on Hanuman Chalisa and someone is doing it on Azaan, Chanakya has said at one place that the  work of politics is  like the act of prostitution.   


     So in this   way people are  very passionately involved in the  act of prostitution, in this way we ourselves can understand that our leading leaders consider themselves superior to do the work of prostitution, then why will the ordinary forced people not  follow the act of prostitution, the prostitute will never want her business to go to a loss,  People want to benefit in their business, but what will happen to the world, of which society, which will be crushed, then that society will be destroyed. This is what is happening today,  the backbone of our society is none other than our human beings who are satvik sadhus and yogis are vairagi brahmacharis, this section is completely disappearing from our society, in the times to come our society our society will be crippled, and the so-called people who are there  are are only  promoting hypocrisy,  Our universities are working on a war footing only to break this strong link, just now I was seeing that the University of Kashi, popularly known as the Hindu University, where such slogans were being raised, brahmins will dig your grave,  and there  are some such signs involved in  the kalpatis that are there against Hinduism.  This is not our subject, the main thing is that even this university does not know anything about Hinduism, because ganga water was being sprinkled and purified there. How it melts,  how can we purify your ignorance and filth with some water, how is it possible,  as there are many people in India who understand that bathing in the Ganges washes away their sins, if that were the case, how many sins would have been washed away,  But on the contrary,  people are becoming more and more sinners, someone says that people are freed by mere entry into Kashi, so those who live in Kashi have always been freed, no one is free,  all are the signs of malkhta,  And in the name of our religious scriptures, we are all being taught the lesson of mukhata in a very large quantity, that is why we have  established this Vedic University to expand pure Vedic  knowledge science,  Brahmagyan, but I must have helped the people to take it forward,  For which people have to come forward, if people come forward, this work will go forward, otherwise My work will also be finished with Me.


As everyone wants their work to go forward,  I also want this work to go forward, but I am very surprised that no single person has come forward to support this work till date, there can be two things in it, the first thing is that people are very much afraid of it,  That the development of this work  will affect their business of hypocrisy, the second thing may also be that people do not know about it, what exactly is  the truth of our Vedic Wangmay?  I have  found in my last 30 years of research that only our Vedic Wangmaya can free us from all the problems of our lives, and can truly make this earth a paradise,  because   their basis is to develop  restraint or control over ourselves, a life limited to the spirit of renunciation austeritya vairagya celibacy and selflessness.   


The problem is not for me, the society is for the crisis that has come up to the existence of the human race,  because the  people of our own society are creating a huge rot to end the existence of the one who goes to the best human being in this world, I have understood it,  that is why I  am pricking like a straw in the eyes of the people,  And people have thrown their full power to finish me and my work. Yet I am still here to slap them in the face in the middle of them  , which is a very big thing for me. I have invited the people and the government  several times for  this work, but every time my work  is being denied, people are cooperating in every way to do every kind of shoddy to the worst, and my people want to kill me, so of course there is something in me and in my knowledge,  What separates me from these people is a defect in me, what I speak the truth, people do not think it is right to speak my truth,  people expect from me for their sycophancy, which I do not know how to do due to which people   become my opponents. But the knowledge of our sage Maharishis helps me, and that is where it inspires me  to take the work forward, there must be some surma, who will be my partner in taking this work forward.


The greatest companion is my God, where he always moves me to move forward, because I have lived like an orphan from the beginning and stayed there as my nath, and if he has also afflicted me, then he may have given me some education from him.  Though I don't have such a feeling, I wish that in time we have to be prepared to diagnose our upcoming problems, because a small disease gradually  destroys our lives, in the same way that the universities of Delhi and the universities of Kashi are functioning, these signs are not right,  This will cause  great loss to the entire human race, the existence of the most so-called Hindu caste has been put on fire in danger, so once again it has to protect its existence and  learn from its history, just as Muhammad Ghori has visited the temple of Gujarat 17 times. I see the possibility of this happening again, because the root of the Hindu caste is not the temple, it  is a false root,  which the enemies of the Hindu caste  have made to make the Hindus mookh, the real root is our Vedas and their allied scriptures,  Even after which there is a rot to end their existence with a sense of malice, if they do not wake up in time, it will not take long for them to cease to exist. Because just as an animal with a cut tail bites the tail of another animal,  so too do those who expand the society of ignorant potters want to cut off the root of knowledge and knowledge and put an end to it forever, for this we need a university to read and teach our Vedas,  This demand has to be taken up vigorously and we have to increase the fire ourselves for its construction, so that our existence will be saved and we can be successful in securing the future of our coming generations, because we have to make a path for the Vedas to reach us,  the paths of all the old Vedas that have been demolished and replaced by them,  He is proving to be helpful in uprooting our roots. Apart from these, we have to make our own path or say that there is an ancient path very old, which now has to be followed only as the trails,  otherwise that path will also be abolished by the wild grass, because the path on which people do not travel ends. Not only does the path end, though those who were supposed to travel on it also end.  For example, earlier people used to travel the world on foot, now that route is not there, and they are not people. Just as the path is ending, so are the people.


As I said, I haven't found a single man till date, that's what it means, that's where I'm going to walk this path alone, so I say that this path should not end with me, am I the last human being to walk this path  , if that's the case,  So what else could be more dangerous than this and what else could be for this world?

 Manoj Pandey President Gyan Vigyan Brahmagyan


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