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Panchakarma is a major purification and detoxification treatment of Ayurveda.

   Panchakarma means a combination of five different therapies. This process is used to cleanse the body of toxins released by diseases and malnutrition. Ayurveda says that an imbalanced dosha produces waste material called 'ama'. It is a foul-smelling, sticky, harmful substance that needs to be removed from the body as completely as possible. In order to prevent the build-up of 'Ama', Ayurvedic literature recommends a person to maintain proper lifestyle, habits and exercise along with proper diet, and to implement a proper purification program like Panchakarma.


   Panchakarma is a process; It is part of a group of therapies related to purification procedures called 'Shodan'. The five treatments of Panchakarma are Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Rakta Moksha. While balancing the doshas, ​​this series of five therapies helps to relieve the deeply based stress and disease causing toxins inside the body.

    It brings back the balance in our doshas and clears 'ama' from the body through the passages that excrete waste materials like sweat glands, urinary tract, intestines etc. Panchakarma, thus, is a balancing act. It involves daily massage and is an extremely pleasurable experience. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a seasonal remedy to correct our mind and body system.

  Two methods of treatment have been mentioned in the Ayurveda Samhitas:


Refining and quenching

   Shodhana therapy- In this, most of the diseases are automatically cured by throwing out the contaminated doshas that cause physical ailments. The treatment done after that is more effective. Panchakarma is the technical name of this purification method. Its sequence is as follows:


   Prekarma:, lubrication, perspiration, Principal:, vomiting, Virechana, settlement amputation

   In Ayurvedic system of medicine, in most of the diseases, according to the disease, there is a law of internal use of the medicine only after getting it purified by any one karma. With this, any disease is completely and completely removed. Diseases can be cured by taking medicine without Panchakarma, but it cannot be completely destroyed. Therefore, 'Panchkarma' method is necessary to completely destroy the diseases and to rejuvenate them with the use of chemicals after purification.

  A brief description of the various actions of Panchakarma is as follows:


Lubrication :-

In this method, Ghritpan, Oilpan and Abhyanga are used to expel the deformed doshas of the body.



There are many sub-methods of this method, through which many diseases are treated by removing sweat from the body.


According to the rules, it is necessary to do both the above actions before each action. Now the main karma.....

 After previous karma and its method....




Through this karma, complex diseases caused by phlegm are treated such as cough-breathing-indigestion-fever etc. In this, vomiting (vomiting) is made after drinking medicated quath, due to which distorted phlegm and bile come out, the disease is pacified.


The said karma is beneficial for gastric diseases. Along with this, it is beneficial in stomach diseases, such as: - Indigestion-acidosis, Headache, Dah, Colic, Vividham Gulm etc. For this also there is a provision to give different medicines at different stages.


Establishment settlement:-

Its other name is also to give medicinal enema. According to Ayurveda, in this process, the doshas are purified by giving a settlement of dry liquids through the anus. It is beneficial in all diseases related to air of stomach and large intestine.


Availan Settlement:-


In this process, enema of medicinal mixture of aliphatic substances like milk, ghee, oil etc. is applied. It also gives a lot of benefit in diseases of stomach and large intestine, such as: - Vibandha, Arsh-Bhagandar, Gulp, Udarshul, Aadhaman (Afra) etc.


Both the above processes are considered highly important in Ayurveda. These procedures provide permanent benefits in all types of Vata diseases and other diseases.




In this method, a nasya (SNUFF) of medicinal and various oils is given through the nasal route and oil stream is used by tying a bandage around the head. These experiments remove the dryness inside the head. And the old accumulated mucus comes out through sneezing etc. and the patient gets permanent benefits. The above process is very beneficial for Urdhvajatrugat (ENT) diseases, all types of head diseases and eye diseases. It is very beneficial in diseases like chronic and difficult cephalic, adhvabheda, insomnia, mental tension (tension), spondylitis etc.


Presently Panchakarma therapy is becoming very popular. But if not done in a scriptural way, it also has the opposite effect, which later creates more complexity.

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