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I have discovered a new world of consciousness.

 I have discovered a new world of consciousness.

I have discovered a new world of consciousness.

The evidence of this is found in Rigveda, as we all know, that in Vedas, Rigveda is called Jnana Kanda, in which there is pure knowledge, Yajurveda has rituals, and Atharveda has Vigyan Kanda,

Mandala 1 of Rigveda has some 3 hymns of Sukta, which prove that knowledge is the origin of consciousness, and consciousness is the basis of the main Vedas, where has it gone in the mantras that a conscious world is the universe, the human living in it He is so capable, who is able to enter into this conscious world universe, and it is here that man is the one to reveal the true truth of that consciousness with his words, where there is no sorrow, pain, sorrow, no fear of death and no sorrow. Everything is conscious there, this conscious world is able to enter the human mind only when the stream of the ocean of consciousness descends in the mind through intelligence and science.

    The soul is united with the physical body because it desires to perform good and holy deeds from the inner world to its visible world, and this soul-like consciousness is in the vegetarian food and drink ready to take on the human body. When a man and a man use that food item, then it proceeds with the juice and takes the form of semen, when a woman and a man engage in sexual intercourse, she becomes pregnant. After which it is formed in the form of an embryo, after that it comes out of the womb after getting ready in the form of a female or male body.

    For Example you can see this mantra Sukta 3 Mandal 1of Rigveda 1 to 12 mantra tell about something new theory of consciousness 

अश्वि॑ना॒ यज्व॑री॒रिषो॒ द्रव॑त्पाणी॒ शुभ॑स्पती। पुरु॑भुजा चन॒स्यत॑म्॥ ऋग्वेद 1.3.1

   Ashvins, fire and water, are powers of the Divine for quick motion through yajnic science. They are sources of splendor, food and energy, comfort and joy. Men of learning and science, let the two be developed in a spirit of delight and dedication.

     Ashvine that means two divine power one is material world other is consciousness world. And consciousness joined  with science to the body for self desire. And consciousness want to appear through body into to the external world.      

अश्वि॑ना॒ पुरु॑दंससा॒ नरा॒ शवी॑रया धि॒या। धिष्ण्या॒ वन॑तं॒ गिरः॑॥

    These two types of energy, this one is life, the other is soul, when they are together in the human body then the essence of life and the world is created, that is, consciousness is capable of doing every work of the world, it Consciously, the human woman maintains her connection with the universal universe at all times in union with the soul within the man, it inspires her intellect to reveal her divinity, through which the human intelligent is outside himself. It is able to understand the world subtly, this human consciousness which resides in the heart of the human brain, it is very secretive and secret, there the ordinary human cannot reach there by his intelligence, because there are three types of human intelligent. The intelligent that man develops while living in the world enables him to understand only material things, but with the intelligence that the soul develops, he is able to unite himself with the outer universe, In such a situation, man is able to realize the universal truth of himself and reveal it through his speech. There is merit.

   Third type of intelligent do not clearly understand anything because of his ignorance he is only enjoy his her body and do not never understand the instruction of his her consciousness. 

Ashvins, divine powers of creative energy working through fire and water, are wondrous heroic achievers of mighty deeds with relentless acts of scientific study and research. Rich and generous, may they respond to our invocations and grant our voice of hope and prayer.

   दस्रा॑ यु॒वाक॑वः सु॒ता नास॑त्या वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः। आ या॑तं रुद्रवर्तनी॥

     Only those human beings, men and women, are able to understand the directions or signals received by this soul, who are very virtuous, virtuous and restrained, whose intellect is pure, whose understanding is revolutionary, he can live in his life. Knowing the cause of suffering, enables himself to get rid of it, he is able to reveal the image of his soul through his speech, that is, his speech establishes identity with the creation, the one who He also speaks, always works in his favor the eternal infallible principle of his consciousness, there is nothing in his life, his action, which should render to him the principle of the physical mortal world, the place of death in his life, or death to it. Unlike in his life, the kingdom of immortality is established in his life, and he is always able to move in the world of consciousness. With the power of his knowledge and understanding, he realizes the consciousness in every material thing in the world, so he controls his life and gives up his body at the time of his own free will without any suffering. .

    Scholars of distinction dedicated to divine science, experts of natural metabolism, seated on the sacred vedi of scientific yajna, working on the marvellous powers of the Ashvins, fire and water, eternal media of divine power, for the elimination of suffering, let the gifts of divinity come (for the benefit of humanity).

     इन्द्रा या॑हि चित्रभानो सु॒ता इ॒मे त्वा॒यवः॑। अण्वी॑भि॒स्तना॑ पू॒तासः॑॥

    When the soul completely controls its body through its intellect and mind, then that deity, that is, the 33 deities who reside in the human body, becomes Indra, the king of all. And like Indra, the king of the gods, she monopolizes all and creates a new world of consciousness according to her nature, in which only human consciousness with conscious human mind resides, and from them nirvana of conscious subjects. Who are like his sons, that is, his children, that is, the knowledge-rich guru nurtures the knowledge-rich disciples and constantly protects them in the world, so that in this material world one's own world of spiritual consciousness is always present, wherever there is no death. As it grows, there is always the incarnation of a new new consciousness, which is defined by ordinary people as heaven. And this world of consciousness, uniting with each and every atom of the universe, continuously becomes and flourishes. In which the sweet flowers of immortality that never fades bloom, and continue to drench the garden of life with the fragrance of their consciousness. 

    Indra, Lord Supreme of wondrous light and power, come and bless us. All these sacred objects in existence, created, energised and extended over spaces from the subtlest causes by you are sustained in your divine power.

    इन्द्रा या॑हि धि॒येषि॒तो विप्र॑जूतः सु॒ताव॑तः। उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि वा॒घतः॑॥

     Here in the material world, that is, living in its physical perishable body, the soul establishes itself in this material world as an immortal king, with its knowledge and scientific thinking, as the Supreme Personality of all human beings. Just as the learned brahmin, who is the embodiment of the Brahman and the Veda, transforms himself into it, he performs the function of the protector of this infinite universe by his own knowledge of the Brahman. The universe in which infinite types of living beings and beings are capable of discharging their lives without any blemish and impartiality, that is, it organizes and balances the strongest relation of humanity with the conscious and unconscious worlds with the creatures of the whole world. Is. Indra, Lord Supreme of light and life, meditated by the pure at heart, realized by the enlightened, distilled from the Veda and the world of existence by the visional rise, come and inspire the chant of the dedicated yajakas.

    इन्द्रा या॑हि॒ तूतु॑जान॒ उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि हरिवः। सु॒ते द॑धिष्व न॒श्चनः॑॥

    It is here that the human consciousness residing in the human body with the cosmic consciousness in the form of Brahma doing all its work with great speed, all the physical distance from its knowledge in less than a moment to the consciousness of the divine consciousness from its knowledge and teachings. Like the shining sun, the ignorance in the inner world of all living beings destroys the veil of darkness, as the sun spreads the light of its rays on the earth by destroying the flock of clouds, in the same way as a brahman in the form of Brahma, he constantly maintains the kingdom of his consciousness. It expands, and destroys the demerits of the material world of the world, and is always situated in ecstasy, perfecting itself by the brilliance of its apparent truth, eternal, eternal voice.

    Indra, lord and breath of life, energy and speech, come fast at the speed of light, vitalized our songs of praise in yajna and bless us with food for the body, mind and soul.

ओमा॑सश्चर्षणीधृतो॒ विश्वे॑ देवास॒ आग॑त। दा॒श्वांसो॑ दा॒शुषः॑ सु॒तम्॥

(Omasah) One who by his qualities to protect the living beings of the world, full of knowledge, having love in learning and teaching, satisfied with science, truly determined, bestowing auspicious qualities and reciting all knowledge, making effort to know the Supreme Lord, the best of knowledge Destroying evil qualities by the desire of the qualities of God, the most knowledgeable (charshanidhrah) possessing and causing the happiness of human beings by the teaching of truth (dashavasah), making everyone fearless by their good qualities (visve devasah) are all learned people, they (dashushah) In front of the gentlemen, keep on emitting the light (Aagat) of Soma etc. matter and science regularly.

Come ye, lovers of Om, lord creator and protector of the universe, masters of light and lovers of humanity, noblest visionaries of the world, generous givers and benefactors of all, come and give us the essence and wisdom distilled from life and literature.

विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒प्तुरः॑ सु॒तमाग॑न्त॒ तूर्ण॑यः। उ॒स्रा इ॑व॒ स्वस॑राणि॥

O (Apturah) all learned people, who are quick to give strength to human beings, body and knowledge etc. Just as the rays of the sun (usra iva) come and go to illuminate the days (swasarani), similarly you also come and go (Agant) regularly to light up the work, worship and knowledge (sutam) near to human beings. 8॥

Visionaries of the world, generous givers, wise scholars of life and literature, fast as winds and eager as dawn for the day and mother-cow for the calf in the stall, come to your own and bring us the essences of knowledge and wisdom.

विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒स्रिध॒ एहि॑मायासो अ॒द्रुहः॑। मेधं॑ जुषन्त॒ वह्न॑यः॥

(Ehimayasah) O those who have wisdom in action (asridh), full of firm knowledge (adruh), free from hatred (vahnayah), those who bring happiness to the world (visve), all (devasah) learned people! You (Medham) should consume the sacrifice that is perfect by knowledge and action with love. God commands that - O learned people! May you always give happiness to all human beings by learning, being free from the destruction and hatred of others and acting with good knowledge.

   Divinities of the world, unerring and unfouling lovers of Omniscience, free from hate and fear, come at the fastest and join the ecstasies of the brilliant fires of the yajna of love, compassion and knowledge.

    पा॒व॒का नः॒ सर॑स्वती॒ वाजे॑भिर्वा॒जिनी॑वती। य॒ज्ञं व॑ष्टु धि॒याव॑सुः॥

(Vajebhih) with all those who are food and other substances for the attainment of knowledge, with those who (Vajinivati) with actions perfected by learning (Dhiavasuh), who abide with pure action and (Pavaka) warn of purging practices (Saraswati) The one who has the qualities of praise-worthy knowledge, etc., is the voice that bestows all such excellent disciplines, it is the glory of the craftsmanship of us (Yagnam) and the yagya in the form of Karma (Vashtu) light. All human beings should receive the prayer of God and by their efforts, they should be able to acquire truthful knowledge and truthful words in works and speech which is beneficial to all, this is the teaching of God.

    May Sarasvati, goddess of divine speech, mother knowledge of arts, science and divinity, come with gifts of food for the mind and intellect and purify us with the light of knowledge. May the mother grace our yajna of arts and sciences and bless us with the light divine.

   चो॒द॒यि॒त्री सू॒नृता॑नां॒ चेत॑न्ती सुमती॒नाम्। य॒ज्ञं द॑धे॒ सर॑स्वती॥

(Sunritanaam) who is the one who destroys false words, always consumes true words and true deeds (Sumatinam), understands (Chetanti) of scholars with very good intellect and knowledge and (Chodayitri) is the one who is the one who accepts the good qualities (Saraswati) is the same (Yagnam). ) The one who illumines the auspicious qualities of all human beings is the one who wears the yagya etc. (Dadhe). That which is the true speech of the learned men who teach the truth, that is, who is full of knowledge and without deceit etc., is the only one who is qualified to have the true knowledge of all human beings, not of the ignorant.

    Sarasvati, mother stream of eternal knowledge and divine speech, inspires the seekers of universal truth and cosmic law and enlightens the admirers of noble wisdom and understanding. The divine flow of light and knowledge carries on the universal yajna of nature and humanity.

   म॒हो अर्णः॒ सर॑स्वती॒ प्र चे॑तयति के॒तुना॑। धियो॒ विश्वा॒ वि रा॑जति॥

   The one who (Saraswati) speaks (Ketuna) by good deeds or by superior intellect (Maha) gives birth to the ocean of words (Prachetayati) in the form of words (Prachetayati), that same person (Vishvah) illumines all the intellects (Virajati) especially. In this mantra Vachkopamayaluptopalankara has been shown. Just as the ocean which is waved by the wind and illuminated by the sun, being full of its gems and waves, is considered very heavy in the attainment of good behavior and gems, in the same way the teaching of the Vedavani which illuminates the ocean of heaven and the Vedas with many learning qualities. Yes, he is the enhancer of the true intellect of ordinary human beings. By illuminating the knowledge of the two hymns, the meaning of the word 'Ashwi' for actions from this third hymn, and the characteristics of the scholars who prove it, and for being a scholar, should be known from the word 'Saraswati' by illuminating speech for the attainment of all learning.

   Sarasvati, mighty ocean flow of mother knowledge and divine speech, shines with her radiance of omniscience and illuminates the universal mind and the minds of humanity across the worlds of existence.

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