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Kingdom of Consciousness


     The world that we all know about, and the world or world in which we live, is material, that is, made up of matter, and finally mixed in that matter, there is another world, about which this world is Most of the people in the world don't know. As the world that our modern science interprets today, that world is made of material materials, today science also considers humans as an object, and with them it treats like a physical substance.

     Apart from this, there is a different world, which the Vedas talk about, and the Vedas believe, that the basis of this material world is the invisible world, that is, the conscious world, therefore the Vedas call it the kingdom of consciousness, and the Vedas refer to the same world. By making the basis, talk of man to do all his work, some people connect Vedas with religion, in fact the truth is opposite to it, Vedas are completely scientific texts, they believe in invisible conscious matter as the basis of this world. In this way, there are two types of matter in this world, one is a physical substance, which we all can see with our naked eyes and can also do scientific experiments, and there is an invisible conscious matter, which science does not accept, But those who are Tatvdarshi Mahatma people. The one whom the sages used to call Maharishi in ancient times actually believed in the elemental knowledge and used to prove it by using it. According to his statement, the origin of the world is consciousness.

    We can all understand this in this way, as before we make an object physically, we prepare its blueprint, that is, we prepare its structure, in the same way, the most subtle element or substance of this world, that is There is an atom, and every thing in the world is made up of atoms, whether it is a huge mountain, the earth, the galaxy or the universe, if we look at the small level, then the most microscopic organism, which is called bacteria, its body is also micro-cell and atoms. I will not explain the cell and the atom here. Because today's science explains it in great detail, by breaking this atom, science gets energy, which is called nuclear energy, even everyone knows. But the atoms that make up the human body also have a power and energy, and this energy or power is conscious, which affects the human mind and its intelligence.

     The human mind or intellect is related to a source of energy, which in Vedic language is called soul, this soul is a conscious energy, and it produces such a state in the human mind, by which the human mind can understand or realize this. It is capable of attaining that by which he sees consciousness in every object of the world. And the person who sees this is called the Philosopher of the Indian Vedic scriptures, that is, the person who has realized this ultimate truth, which is the subtly pervading conscious element in all material matter as well as all living entities. That philosophical person does not only interview him, although he is able to establish his communication with them. As for the evidence, we get a hint of this in some one of the mantras of Sukta 3 of Rigveda Mandala 1.

      विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒स्रिध॒ एहि॑मायासो अ॒द्रुहः॑। मेधं॑ जुषन्त॒ वह्न॑यः॥

   As the mantra itself starts with Vishve, that is, the world means the world, Vishve means the world's gods, the philosophers who know the divine qualities, they are Asridh, Asridh means the person who is the philosophers i.e. Asridh. It also means shelter who are completely possessed of pure knowledge, that is, it is dependent on consciousness, here we have to understand the meaning of pure, as the science believes, that matter which is only one type. Composed of atoms, it is pure, and very few such substances are found in this world, which are completely pure, because often a molecule combines with a molecule of another atom to form an atom of a substance, That is, there is an impurity in the atom, that is, a mixture, for example, if we take an atom of water, it looks pure to us, although it is not pure, it contains two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule, these three molecules together. It makes one atom of water. And on this the scientists depend, that is, today's science is capable of explaining physical matter, although the mantra says that the best philosophers of the world are those who possess pure and firm knowledge, it means that they are not able to explain matter. Do not possess mixed knowledge, as today's scientists do, the knowledge they possess is not firm, that is, it is unstable, and is going to change with time, and it is not pure as they explain mixed substances. are, and believe in the same. Although one who is a philosopher is an observer of consciousness, therefore there is no mixture anywhere in that consciousness, while it is pure in all beings and in the matter of the world. That's why the philosopher is completely dependent on him, that is, the main source of his life, so he catches it and dissolves himself in it. That is, he gets absorbed in him, his samadhi takes place in him, that is, the solution of his whole life becomes realization of that one element. Apart from this, he does not have to investigate any other substance. As our scientists constantly discover new things, and their discovery never reaches its perfection. Nor is there a solution to the problem of their life. Nor is there a solution to the problem of man or the world of the world, that is why today in the world how many materials of science have been made physically available to human beings, yet there is no peace in human life. Nor is there peace in the world itself, today disturbance and problems are visible in the world all around. The next word of the mantra, while explaining this subject further, says, Ehimayaso, this world or the world is the illusion of this, that is, the consciousness of which the philosopher, whom the saint sage Maharishi calls the seer of the mantra, is the one who sees the consciousness, and right there in this Realizes the truth, that is, sees that the picture of this world which appears in a strange form in an infinite way is all the illusion of this consciousness. That is, it is a made-up disguise, the way we see all the films, keeping in mind the work being done in our society, it presents it with punishment, just as the basis of the film or movies is in our society in the country. It is only human events that happen, in the same way the basis of this material world is its consciousness within it, just as we see light in the moon, which is not of its own. It is only a reflection of the light of the Sun, in the same way the world appears alive and alive with the light of consciousness. It can be seen only by those who have the intuition of their consciousness. While making the last part of the mantra more clearly says - Medhanum Jushantam Vahnayah Medhan means Medha means intellect i.e. Jushant in intelligence, that is, one who joins with human intellect, the next word says Bahnayah means the way it flows out of the Himalayas. A few drops of water takes the form of a stream and it becomes a river. That is, the Ganges flowing in the form of a river does welfare of a large group of society. In the same way, human consciousness, being united with the intellect of the sage philosopher saint, and being situated in his wisdom, it works for the welfare of all the people of the world in the world. That is, it is present to solve their lives.
    Taking this topic forward, the next mantra of this hymn indicates something like this-
  पा॒व॒का नः॒ सर॑स्वती॒ वाजे॑भिर्वा॒जिनी॑वती। य॒ज्ञं व॑ष्टु धि॒याव॑सुः॥

   The word that starts with the mantra is the word, Pavka means that it is like fire, now we understand fire, it has the quality of fire, that it purifies any impure substance as soon as it comes inside, that is, its Changes it in its original form, for example, we must have seen goldsmiths purifying it by putting gold in the fire. Another example is the way in which the yajna is performed, in which with the invocation of the mantra, the ingredients mixed with ghee and herbs are put in the havankund, that is, the fire is ignited in the sacrificial altar, then the fire burns all the substances and smokes its essence. As it leaves our atmosphere, the pollution of our environment is removed. That is, in order to purify and freshen our atmosphere, the law has been made in our scriptures to perform Yagya. For this reason, in ancient times, King Maharaja used to perform big sacrifices in India. Continuously used to go on for many years, even this was done every morning and evening. Even today there are many ashrams in India, which follow the Vedas method, where Yagya is performed daily. Here the word Pavaka which has come in the mantra is meant in the form of metaphor, which purifies and purifies our intellect, and it is his consciousness present in the human being in the form of Pavaka, the next word is more clear of this mantra. He deals with this subject and tells, whom he purifies, and who purifies? In response to this the mantra says, "Saraswati" means that his consciousness residing in the human being purifies his intellect, that is, the disorder in the human intellect that arises from living in the world of the physical body, is made into a pure and pure human consciousness. It is possible only through this, we can make human intellect more scientific materialistic from outside worldly knowledge and information, as our scientists of today are becoming. For those who do not believe in the existence of consciousness, only physical matter is true, because their consciousness does not purify their intelligence, that is, they are not capable of realizing their consciousness. That is, his intellect named Saraswati does not descend from the soul. Here the mantra says with special emphasis that our intellect named Saraswati purifies our consciousness, if we break the word Saraswati, then three words come out of it, which make its meaning very clear, Sir + Self + Ti The first word Sar means essence means the way we all take food as food, it makes juice, juice makes blood, and blood makes meat, meat becomes marrow, marrow makes fat, fat Bone is made from it, and from the bone human semen is made. In this way we can say that the essence of food is human semen. In the same way, the meaning of the essence here is that which is the loathsome of the whole body, that is the self, the next words add more to it, which means that it is the element. A small sentence is formed from these three words. That is, the light of consciousness that is illumined is the intellect Saraswati. That is why the goddess of knowledge is called Saraswati in the Indian scriptures, she is not a woman in body, she is only the form of consciousness, that is, her reflection. In this one word, four words have been put together, the word Pehlana is Vaje, which means material world, world war, war work, Prapanch etc., the second word is Bhirva meaning Commencement of abhirbhva, jini i.e. one who is related to life, for this which means that which is similar to vati i.e. one who is medicine. These four words can be said in a short sentence in such a way that one who struggles to live with the beginning of the body in this material world, to overcome that struggle or the suffering, illness, death etc. There is a medicine, which was earlier called Saraswati in the mantra, and this intellect is purified by the consciousness called Pavak, in this way we can say, even the meaning of the mantra is something like this, our brain which is expressed from our consciousness. The intellect named Saraswati in the world is like the greatest helpful medicine to remove the tribulation caused by conflict. To further clarify, the next sentence of the mantra says - yagnam vashtu dhiyavasu: Here also there are three or four words together, the first word is yajna, meaning a kind of laboratory, because yajna means where some kind of experiment is done. , the way scientists synthesize and analyze a substance in their laboratory i.e. in the laboratory to study it in depth. In the same way, our ancient sage scientists used to synthesize and analyze the substances in their laboratory in the form of Yagya. Here in matra the simple meaning of yajna is where a substance is analyzed and analyzed by experiment, that yajna means it is a laboratory, the second word is, vastu simply means the object is the substance, dhiya means intellect, vasu means keeping. Location of In this way the meaning of this whole mantra is, our consciousness named Pavak purifies our intellect and transforms it into an intellect named Saravasti, and this intellect named Saraswati, the greatest of all kinds of sufferings in our body, is the medicine for death i.e. is nectar, because this intellect named Saraswati is in itself.
   By synthesizing and analyzing any substance of essence i.e. this death, its medicine i.e. nectar form consciousness is able to be attained. The next mantra of this hymn, while making this subject more clear, expresses its sentiment in some way and says-
    चो॒द॒यि॒त्री सू॒नृता॑नां॒ चेत॑न्ती सुमती॒नाम्। य॒ज्ञं द॑धे॒ सर॑स्वती॥

  Now describing the quality of this intellect named Saraswati, the mantra says that Chodayitri means that this intellect has a special quality, by which it collects only the qualities of superior consciousness, so that the knowledge of the light of maximum consciousness is revealed or illuminated in it. Therefore, she is very careful that she should only be sunritana, that is, by which her body is capable of imbibing beautiful and superior qualities, and is able to transfer the knowledge to the light of consciousness, that is, the person who has There is an intellect named Saraswati, with the help of that intellect, he makes his body so beautiful and attractive through spiritual practice, that even by the smallest act of his body, the consciousness of his soul can be easily communicated to a creature of another world. seems to happen. That is, as soon as the lamp is lit in the darkness, the power of light is established everywhere. Why is darkness even if it is not millions of years old? That is, the perfect man uses his intellect in the most beautiful way, so the next word of the mantra says Sumatinam. That is, it is capable of establishing the kingdom of consciousness. Making this subject more clear, the last mantra of this hymn says - 
       म॒हो अर्णः॒ सर॑स्वती॒ प्र चे॑तयति के॒तुना॑। धियो॒ विश्वा॒ वि रा॑जति॥

  As the mantra itself begins with the word Maho, which has two meanings, the first one which is simply used to express the greatness in it or to personify the vastness of intellect called Saraswati, the second meaning is this. It is from the word Maho, which means such an intellect which is capable of seeing or realizing God, hence the Guru Mantra of the Vedas, which is known as Gayatri Mantra, is also said to be Dhee Mahi Dhio Yonah Prachodayat. That is, through this mantra, the seeker wishes to God that he should be given an intellect named Mahi. The next word of this mantra is Arnah Arnah which means, there is a fire living in a dry wood, the next word of this mantra is Saraswati, the meaning of these three words will be like this, in the intellect named Saraswati, the power of divine knowledge named Mahi resides. Just as there is fire in a dry wood, in the same way this intellect named Saraswati, which is born from the soul, has the power to imbibe the knowledge of God within itself. And further elaborating it, the mantra says- Pra means that which is present from the earliest times, which has no beginning and no end, that Chetyati means that consciousness itself is capable of knowledge i.e. Ketunam, with the inner wisdom of all things. Arthata being subtly present in the roots, great cleanliness reigns in the entire universe of wisdom. That is, his monopoly kingdom exists in the entire world universe and he is the king, the emperor, who lives or resides in the human body only.

Manoj Pandey
President Knowledge Science Theology

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