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Analyzing the Three States


       Another portal to Truth is to study the three states through which we pass every day of our lives, namely, the waking, the dream and the deep sleep. Details of these states are not given, since the purpose of this text is to present an overview of the spiritual path and establish the basis of the spiritual quest. We are expected to go to other Upanishads to obtain the knowledge mentioned here. 1 The study of the three states is vital for an aspirant on the path. By studying them we know that the Self alone can be the real “me”, and is present in all the three states. The Self in the Three States The method used in their study is called Anvaya-Vyatireka, meaning “presence and absence method”; the presence of one thing is proven by the presence or absence of another thing. The study of the three states is a very good case to apply this method. 

   2 Firstly, let us look at what is present and what is absent or not available within these three states. From that we can get clues as to the Self’s Presence in all three states. Then we can apply the logic of Anvaya-Vyatireka. From deep sleep we can see that nothing of the personality is present. We do not know anything about it, so Ignorance has to be present. Yet we know we existed during sleep, so the Witness-Self must also be present. Then we know that it is the same person who is experiencing all the three states. Therefore, we can deduce that the Self must be present in all three states as their Witness, for when we are in one state, the other two are not present. Since at no time are we aware directly of the presence of this Self, the presence of Ignorance is deduced in all three states. In dream, there are no senses available, but we see the dream and hence deduce that the mind must be present. The material for dream can come only from memory, so memory must be present. The intellect is helpless in dream, which means it is not present. It is the same with the ego-sense. In the waking state, all these faculties are present. Since Ego is present only in the waking state, this is the only state in which we know ourselves as individuals. It is also the only state when we can accumulate merit or demerit. Hence it is the only state in which we can get into bondage or get liberated. 3-4 From the above analysis, we see that Enlightenment must be another state, known commonly as the “Fourth” state, wherein there is no ignorance and we are consciously aware of the Witness-Self. We cannot be that which comes and goes – this is the clue. This fact rules out the Self as being any of the faculties from 2 to 8. All of them come and go. Only the Witness-Self remains in all the states. Hence, that is our true Self. When we know ourselves to be the Self and not body-mind-intellect etc, then we are liberated from the cycle of births and deaths forever.

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