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Ruthless life and its desires

     No one ever wants in life, that the Rudra form of life should come in front of him, but sometimes we are not able to stop it even if we want a lot.

      As far as my experience is concerned, I have learned that we can never make people happy, all our work is done by building relationships with people, some of our society. Such a system has been made by our society nirvana kartas, we remain dependent on our society even though we do not want to, we see, on whom many people live. Because every man does not have enough means to keep others as his dependent, so he has to depend on others, let's say someone works, in an office or in a school or in some other personal institution, there Everything is not according to him, in spite of his work, he has to face many such situations, for which he is not responsible, yet he gets punished, and he is fired from the job. Because the owner of the institution in which he works is not pleased with him, the owner only likes those who do his sycophancy.
    It is also an art to do the sycophancy of the master, who knows this art, he likes his master, and his job is safe, there are some people too, their number is very less, who do any kind of sycophancy. In whose blood the worm of truthfulness and justice acts, due to which he puts before them the shortcomings and flaws of his master and his companions, due to which he becomes their enemy. And along with the boss, other co-workers also conspire against the honest person who talks about justice and truth. And they look for ways to get him out of their way, and in various ways keep seeing an opportunity to humiliate him.

    How people serve someone, this task is not easy, people do not even serve themselves, this task is also difficult, what people do, they keep creating different ways to make themselves sad and troubled, right here Because of facing the cruelty of life.

     People think that money will solve the problem. That's why they keep running after money like a mad dog, and money also keeps running away from them.

     The cruelty of life can be removed with money, is it possible, in my experience, the more money one has, the more cruel he is, there is no mercy in his heart, neither love nor compassion, nor There is faith in God, people have faith in money, and the ego of money is very strong.

     Wealth and knowledge are related to life, life is available to everyone, and if there is anything most valuable in life, it is life itself, people are being trained in such a way that people hate this life, because of which life It becomes death and depression, even after working very hard, people do not get enough goodness in life, knowingly unknowingly we prepare so many of our enemies, because we do not have the art of making people friends. It comes, who becomes a friend, with whom some selfishness is proved, some benefit, this life is like this, people pretend to be friends with you only for their selfishness, true friend is the greatest on this earth. Hardly anyone gets it.
    Our wishes are never fulfilled in life, because in today's modern era all our desires are dependent on money, and getting money is never easy for everyone, people tell many ways to earn money, and themselves The poor and the poor. That is why he tells the way to earn money, he keeps on proving his point of view through various types of arguments. They do not have this knowledge, money does not leave man for any useless work, if the biggest enemy of man is someone, then this money is because of how many kinds of tortures a man has to bear for this wealth. Due to which this life becomes a real hell, and that human is badly trapped in this hell with himself, and like a mental patient, wanders here and there after money for life, because money is needed to run the house. For, you need money to save your reputation, money is needed to build your house, money is needed to save your life, why is this happening, have you ever thought about it. How much the fools have exaggerated this wealth and have entrapped man in its net.
    If you do not have money, you will not get food, otherwise you will not get money, otherwise you will not get clothes, if you are not rich then you will not get the means to go anywhere, if you do not have money, then your wife, your relatives enmity with you Will start doing If you had a lot of money, you would have many friends, you would have family, your enemies would like to snatch your money from you.
      Overall, there is peace in life, it also needs money, because when you are healthy in body then you will be mentally healthy, if you do not have material resources, then you will have to suffer due to lack of it.
       Here you will be exposed to the cruelty of life, in spite of this you may have to face natural calamity, a man comes to me, he told me, Guruji told me what should I do, I am surrounded by a lot of trouble.
         I said what happened, He said that I am very much fed up with the cruelty of this life, I worked very hard till today, but I did not get success in any work, what should I do, my troubles never leave my side.
           I told him what is your real problem, then he said my biggest problem is, I am not able to earn enough money to earn my living by any means, because of this my life is almost ruined. No one is my relative, nor do I have any job, I have done enough jobs, but I could not stand any job, people do not like me because of my nature, and no one wants to help me in any way, my A big crisis comes on life, and this problem comes in front of me again and again, my financial condition is always weak, I am not able to do anything even if I want to.

        He further said that whatever work I have done till date, I have done it sincerely, yet people consider me dishonest, I always speak the truth, people consider me a liar, I supported people according to my ability but no one supports me. Well, I guess, I've gone crazy. Or is this world mad that doesn't understand me.

            I said you are not mad, you are absolutely fine, it is not your fault, this world is like this, people like this always live here, people like you are always troubled here, there is only one way That is, you give your attention to your work, you leave the work of pleasing someone else, please yourself. Make yourself happy, when it comes to money, be a little conscious about money, because the nature of money is fickle, earning money is not a big deal, keeping wealth with your own trouble is a big deal. So accumulate little by little and earn money, at the same time have faith in God, he tests people like you more, because by putting you in trouble, he makes you stronger. Do not be afraid of it, face it with courage, and face the coming trouble of your life, here is the first and last solution i.e. the means of samadhi.

  manoj pandey        


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