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Life is mysteri

Life secret is a self-narrative It is a person who is a self-narrative which is not only a complete life but also a complete manifestation, ie a person who is sick or unhealthy. He is not aware of his illness; He is living only in ignorance, after some time he also has knowledge of his incurable disease. What will be the next moment in life? Nothing definite. When death is called, when in life? Who knows who can get great austerity? It is such a person who is alive to live a life which is not known to anything. His life is a life of genuine death, that is, living the death, people live the life, they win death.
Life secret is really mystery. This life star comes from the far end of the sky somewhere if it is a fictional or realistic person, then it is coming from there. The little time that he got on this earth and the struggle with body and soul to maintain life, is the painless puzzle of the painful struggle of the soul. The attempt to express it has been done in it. The sign of the mystery of the secret described above is beyond the supernatural aspiration and the supernatural aspiration of the imagination is only a small one. As someone looks at the moon, they lift their fingers for someone, like someone has burned a small lamp to explain the light of the sun, or as if a poet has likened someone's eyes to the sea. Or, like someone has seen God in the rock, something like this is appearing from the life of a person here.
Which moment of life can become the last moment of life, life is not a guarantee, it is growing more and more dependence on death. This is not the experience of life. The life which created life by surpassing the life of Samandar, Desert, Desert, Planet, Nakshatra, Space, Akash, Earth, Mountains, Plateas, all the thoughts of life. And being invisibly in everybody who is beating with all that consciousness. What is life? A painful torture is an unwanted person's thirst or bottle of ammunition or a beautiful nymph. Or it is only a mixed form of all these, the mere hypnosis of all these is a dangerous attraction, a sad dream. As much as the father or father did, its nasal attraction ended, and the time came when the hypnosis of life was extinguished. The living organism again merged into the sky from where it came. A dream in which the real labor of reality has given a new direction to the whole life of the hero, or the one who had immodestized in death, was forced to taste the juice of life, it is not his compulsion. Although it calls it the supernatural of compassion.
In the life of a man, such incidents happen, which is a dangerous dacoit. Moving forward, he becomes a great poet and gives the world a new path to live.Who is known as the path of ultimate devotion. Who does not know him? The talk of great poet Balmiki here is going on here, or I am doing this death. Those who created the great poetry of Sanskrit like Ramayana, have given the world a unique knowledge of a unique knowledge. For which this world will sing their success. This is what happens with our hero. He is not a great poet. But he attempts to become a human. So this is the story of this story or self-story becoming a human. This can be said. How does a simple person become a great human being? This is the name of the journey of human beings to be human. As with time and situation, when the man gets tired. Being helpless and helpless in this world full of dangerous animals and then there is a new obsession in it, a new hope for life is a new ray of light, with the light of a new wonderful, incomparable, auspicious life of life, the fire of the new path. The events that come in the form of small episodes take the form of a great life collection and become the life line of the hero. This route forces you to be careful, very careful. For which, accepting the full form of the challenge, one has to move one step ahead and keep walking. The way a warrior man wakes up in battle with courage and courage. To fight, just like that, but who is our hero. He is present without any preparations to fight in the battle of war. Because it is a real life that is a living place. It is not like any film life. This is the naked truth of life. Because life does not give any chance to get ready, if the life gives a chance to be ready, then why do people still die in this world? It means here that all the preparation is done to die that we all die in comfort, so we study all preparations because there is no need for any preparation to live. The path on which a little awkwardness or negligence is enough to end life for us. There are two types of living people. One, he who lives with all the facilities, lives a life which is quite prosperous. But those whose numbers are low but who dominate the vast majority of the world, which is what we all call the best. Those who use the most enjoyment luxury. The second is that which is not yet complete happiness and happiness, which is struggling to achieve happiness. Those who have the highest number. It is like all the slaves, it is a man of two types, a third type of human being in which our hero comes as he has to fight with his own life. For my life, I say that our hero is present in any kind of life without preparation.
This self-narrative is in fact a travelogue because the hero does not live in one place and lives on time with the time and the situation. In which he It feels good to have a compilation of all that. The protagonist is not a social language or a caste species, it has been with every kind of person. Something is very poor, something very amir is something between these two. This self-narrative also comes from the middle of the middle class people. But it takes time to spend some time with all kinds of people. It has a collection of family social and spiritual, all types of physical life. It has attracted attention on such a part of life which is not often seen. The life of such people was highlighted, which is always living in the world. As if a boy who lived prematurely to stay out of the house, often the boys of that age live at home and take education and living with their parents enjoy their pampering love.
Every moment, a sharp sword of awareness is hanging on the life of a person with a thin turban. When the moment falls, it can fall from the light of a breeze with a breeze, where is it in its vicinity? That he could stop the wind from swimming, but it is necessary to stop the air from reaching that sword, but how is it possible? That no human could live on this earth without air. The fear of the sword on one side is the fear of the second wind, it is impossible to imagine life without the third wind. This is the story of a human life which is surrounded by a terrible crisis and misery all the time, yet it defeats everyone and conquers life and drinks juices like nectar. It is not possible to imagine that it will be the next time, for which the great trouble will come, due to the terrible form of distress, and imagine how difficult and unique it would be to live a life in such a possibility. Because we can imagine him. Which we have ever experienced in our life, all of which we have never experienced in our life, its

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