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   Meaning: - Knowledge of the virtues and virtues of studying the Rigveda by the shelter of God and religion, always with the help of God and religion, must be accompanied by the best practices for the accomplishment of man's accomplishment, through which all human beings They continue to grow in happiness and riches. All the people should always protect the people with good deeds and teach the good of the child to the best qualities so that due to strong disease and lack of thieves, all the pleasures of the people and sons can be achieved. Mine is Hey man people! Let's always thank you for the almighty, who has created wonderful things in this world. The same kindly God protects mankind by doing his work with his grace.
    The first mantra of the first chapter of the Yajurveda, in it the precepts about the first Parmeshwar is being done by Parmeshwar himself. As Swami Dayanad ji told us, now we understand from the detail that what is the meaning of the mantra? In this first mantra, the true nature of Parameshwar is being expressed. The lord of this mantra is the supreme lord Prajapeshwar, and Lord Shiva of this mantra is the Guru Parameswara Lord of all. In this way, this mantra is the mantra of Parameshwar's interview, which is self-pervading itself. Parameshwar himself is himself a doer and self-action. Through this mantra, Parameshwar himself is interviewing himself or making his own self-image. The ultimate guru is teaching his disciples about his means of interacting with his disciples.

        Parmeshwar's main body name is mentioned in om: It is composed of three elements in the om. Who knows the name of Sat, Raj, Tama, in the mythological language, it is known only by Brahma Vishnu Mahesh. In modern language, knows as electron, neutran, potran. There is a special element present in the middle of it, which is known by the name of Scientist God Particle, which combines all.

      In this mantra, the first incarnation of science of science is narrated, which is the child's energy of all the energy, it is the secret of all the enlightenment. Parameshwar, the creature, the nature is from time immemorial. God is remembering himself, this is the main theme of this subject. First of all, he remembers his name and then describes his formation in detail. In this way, the teachings of the three Vidhans in the mantra exist in the form of first knowledge, science, Brahmagna, God, Jiva, nature. Atoms are formed by these three, that is, this mantra is the mantra of atomic science. This beautiful mantra expresses the first mantra of Atharvad.

     In O3, the Trishapta: The temples of the universe are called Bhavrata. Tasks at Tasks

    That is: - This is an absolute element divisible in three; again, seven re-divisions are divisible by dividing the entire universe.

     In the first mantra of the Yajurveda, there is no Mantra from knowledge, deeds, meditation, all the first mantra starts from the Eros, which means that Maharishi Swami Dayanand ji says that food is the best thing and the people who want the science etc. It is for them to know that the energy of the energy is food. (By which the body is nirvana, and through this food the soul also receives the new body, because when the soul comes out from the body, this sky becomes ripe and returns back to the land with the rain after it, according to its deeds According to the arrangement of Goddess Parmeshwar, according to the arrangement of the future of his cunt, the soul enters the gardens, leaves and grains, which is suitable for male, female, etc. The person receives the eclipse, which makes the composition, again becomes the body of the creature and the newborn.) Because food is the meaning of food which is naturally available food which consumes all creatures in some way. Food, fruits, flowers, spices, flora, medicines, etc. If it is scientifically analyzed, then by consuming all these natural substances, all the beings receive a lot of life including human beings. Because without human consumption of them, without the human being, it would be an animal without wildlife like animal. Here the use of food, especially food, is done only by humans, because humans are the ones who make it the most intelligent of all the pranis by using it properly. Because of this, he is capable of understanding any work that thinking. It has been said that like the food that is eaten, it is due to the mind, that is to meditate with the human mind and the nirvana of the mind is told by food. Grain is the most essential element for our body because our body keeps on rejuvenating itself, by making chemical scientists experiment with foods, food, food, food, etc. This food is very comfortable and well-being for the human body. The people wishing for the best of all the best food science, such as Swami Dayanand ji is saying, the meaning of a very subtle essence is comprehensive and comprehensive. We have received very fine information about food, but it depends on the use of exquisite substances and science specially. Combine this energy with special type for your wish.

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