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Some of our necessary duties

1.We can do some work well in the same condition when we have the ability to do it. Physical abilities are of great importance in this abilities, or can say that even if there is a qualification, if our body is not good, our health is bad, we are sick, we can not do that good, in that Our mind will not look the same. That is why every man has the first duty to maintain his health. If falling ill, who can not follow his various duties, he remains unhappy. Not only this, his brother-in-law etc. are also living in great anxiety, they spend a lot of time doing their service, so they too can not fulfill their own well. The family in which a person is patient, his income decreases, and the expenses of drug-alcohol etc. are increased. It all makes discomfort. It is clear from how important it is to try to stay healthy.

2. The laws of health line are not very complicated or complicated. The man should eat pure, fresh and plain food, stay in a clean air, some exercise, and as much as is necessary, should be resting and keep in mind the good thoughts.

Some people do not pay due attention to these things because of poverty and some laziness or amusement etc. The result is that they fall sick, their happiness is destroyed, then they know the value of health. That is why it is important that we do not do any such thing so that our health is going to deteriorate.

2. Along with health care, should try to get education. Learning to read and write can keep writing our thoughts. By reading our articles, people living far away can know our thoughts, and we can become familiar with their thoughts. In this way, we get involved with people far and wide. Not only this, we can also know the thoughts and experiences of the great men who were in the old times. We can benefit from their articles or books. And can make your advancement. Educated men can follow their duties well, and can decide their life and peace peacefully and happily. Citizens should also impart education to their children and nephews, nephews etc. Yes, it is important to remember that education is not just about learning to read and write, education means the development of our physical, mental and moral powers. Therefore, we should adopt a comprehensive form of education. There is no reference to writing special things about all topics, you will know yourself.

3. In other duties, it is necessary to pay attention to the first self-help. You need food or clothes produced or prepared by the society etc. They do not work without doing any hard work, getting them for free. This is a type of theft. The idea of ​​begging, deceit, deceit or theft should not be brought into the mind. Taking money or other substance from donation or Dakshina is just right for those people who are sick or lame, ladders, or who always think about or think about the things of social interest. Without social service, the use of substances obtained by others is altogether inappropriate. We should be self-reliant. It is not right to be fooled even by spending somebody's earning of his father, grandfather, etc. For our sustenance, we must do self and self-employment.

4. The way we should become self-reliant for our living, in the same way, for our families and our dependents, we must do the proper work and industry. Not only this, every person should get such a qualification that after earning his and his family etc., there may be some savings, even if he is employed at the time of crisis or illness or unemployment, as well as large He is also helpful in fulfilling the country's collective needs of the family. This can happen only when we are thought to be spending money, are economical, blind-hawkers are not going to fly. The reason is that if there is no control over the expenditure, all the expenses can be spent on any amount. It is often seen that those who have good and fixed income, spend money in transient pleasures, behind them is very important and they also lack the funds for useful substances and they become debtors. Go. It is a matter of the number of Babu people, who get huge salaries, that after getting the salary, most of them spend instant money in paying last month's bills. From the fifteenth-sixteen days, their pockets appear empty. In some way, as long as twenty four-five days work, then one day is spent in next month's paycheck. All this is the result of their misunderstanding and the habit of borrowing a bargain. These people can easily run their own expenses, and can also deposit some money for the occasion of crisis of their illness or unemployment. Every man should make such a rule that before buying anything, think about your economic situation and the need for that seed and take it seriously. As far as possible, borrowing should not be bought, even if it does not get cheap.

5. Our money is not just for our own use. Society has a great right over it. Our money should be sustained by our family, people can understand this thing easily, but the society also has the right to our money, how it is? I worked hard, and I got some money from any man or organization or government instead of that hard work now what is the relation of any other with this money? I spend the way I like it. Why stop there? By the example of any work, it will become clear that the power or ability to generate wealth in me is in the same condition, whereas I have received the support of many people of the society. If no other person gets help, then no one can create a single wealth alone. After generating wealth, its defense or growth can not be without the help of society. Therefore, in spite of spending money, there must be a consideration of the fact that it also has the benefit of society. To ignore the society which has made us worth cultivating, it is not only scandalous but harmful. That is why every man should own his wealth not only accept his own, but also understand the share of society and spend it in this way.
     It has been said above that every person has got the power and qualification from him a lot of society, so that we reach the result that we should use our power etc. to advance society. We are very indebted to the people of the society, if we are considered, then we are also indebted to our forefathers or ancestors. The amount of knowledge we get from a subject at this time is dependent on how much work our ancestors did in that direction in their power. At each time, people work by benefiting from the experience of the previous generations, and leave their experience in the heritage for the next generation. Thus, due to generation efforts over the generations, physical or scientific advancement happens. This can be said in relation to mental world. One generation leaves its thoughts in the form of literature, contemplating it, the next generation man helps in the future development of the caste. It is clear from this that our stairs are very indebted to the last stairs till now. To maintain this tradition, we must also cooperate fully in the advancement of society. Just, not only our wealth, our power and ability, even our life is for the benefit of human society. We should not waste the life of despotic self, or it would be right to say that our true selfishness is in this matter that we live a life for society. We should make our body healthy and healthy, increase our mental and dark powers, but remember that they should be used only for the service and the benefit of the society, and no one has any problem or discomfort with us.
      We treat others as brothers or neighbors, do not hurt anyone, understand their happiness and their grief as their grief. If this thing is well kept in mind and according to it that all men behave, many disadvantages to social life will be removed. But we keep an eye on our convenience, our happiness, and our benefits. We do not worry about others. We do not understand the need for such anxiety, for example, how many students read aloud that the attention of others is distorted, their study is interrupted. But they do not think about it. If you do not have a police constable near the window when buying a train ticket then how much pressure is there. Every man wants me to take away others and go ahead. Even we do not even care for the elder, the child or the weak. Then, when a man travels in the train, the person who is often called educated and civilized, spreads his legs and falls, and occupies so much space from his belongings that the other passengers do not even have a place to sit. He sees that many of his brothers are standing and suffering, but he himself does not arrange a place for himself. When we have a festival or a marriage, we wonder if our neighbors have no problem with our Dhoom and playing music! Often, there is noisy up to twelve and one o'clock in the night, and the poor neighbors lose their sleep. Sometimes a person is ill in our neighborhood, he does not sleep anymore, then how much trouble he will suffer from our play, it can easily be considered. Some households have special 'Ratjaga' on special occasions, women stay awake all night and sing songs. Whether such a thing is done in the name of Rit-Ram or under the guise of religious acts, from the point of view of citizenship and from the thought of humanity, it is utterly condemnable and discarded.

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