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This world has been completely gripped by the demons.

    This world has been completely gripped by the demons. this is reality of modern world. It is a very dangerous and dangerous situation for the world. The number of monsters is excessive, they have taken possession of all the superior resources of almost every area of ​​the world.


    The great business of the entire world has fallen into his grip, whatever the best search has been done in the name of scientific discovery, all those monsters have taken a one-sided right on all. Today, the state of the monks has been established on the whole world in the name of the diplomat.


     Not only this, he has got his right on religion and non-Self. It is not giving any freedom to anyone; it is being given a degree. Gods have been completely eliminated from the earth so far. As far as I have experience here today, I have known that this world is now only deserving of the demons and now only they are being created here. In the name of religion, in the name of the truth, in the name of knowledge, in the name of security, only on the basis of knowledge, there is a rage of exploitation on every side.


      Every person is dying of suffering and suffering from suffering and suffering. Every side is the shadow of death. The shops of meat, liquor etc are adorned on every street in every nook. The music, instrument mobile has reached every home in every hand. No one is safe at any home. The violence of all the violence and terror has been displaced everywhere. No man here is safe nor is any woman safe. Every creature is sad, people are killing innocent people and crossing all the limits of sham and feeding them.


     The biggest and the wonderful and supernatural thing here is that the protector who has become the eater. Parents are just trying to exploit their children. The person who has the right under his authority is misusing him. Because he has started to think that if he does not do this, then it will not be impossible to avoid living on the earth here on the earth. Every person is working hard to save his life and his identity. Nevertheless, today no one is of anybody, every man is frightened and frightened.


     Because he has dealt so many times with everyone at every step in his small life. That his trust is taut. he is so much burnt with milk that he is frozen cold water and drink. Because the poison is also coming in water. All kinds of food items are adulterating vegetables, pulses, rice, every kind of food. All types of fake food and vegetables are selling open in the market. The instrument of eating food is cooked in which the food is cooked, where the man is living, it has become contaminated by the environment and all the poison. Medicines have become a means to eliminate life in the name of saving lives.


    The doctor has become a robber of ​​money. Today, whatever is being sold in the market today. The way a prostitute earns her living by selling her own body. In the same way, every person is now in a competition to earn money by selling everything. Today, this profession has emerged as a great tool and a way to make money, which earns money by wiping out his life and is being promoted in the name of the stars and stars.


     Men are also selling their bodies, that means doing a work of prostitution also making men a good way to earn money. The man is transforming his body into a woman's body, with the help of science, to change sex and to change his penis becoming a male, the instrument of a man's male is selling in the penis market. As a woman has become so much more dangerous, she is engaged in killing one another in some way, because instead of contacting a woman, she is doing her job as a male instrument.


       It is doing the same thing as well men. Because a man does not have faith in a woman, there is a risk of his life, no woman has confidence or trust in a man. What will be greater danger than this is that humans are promoting gay weddings today. For which world leaders have made laws in their respective countries.


      Increasingly, everything is happening today, the most important thing has been made to become an expert in any field. Today big great yoga teacher’s guru, mystic, actor, politician, judge, king is all being fake and robbed gangsters. Because those who are the best people have a lack of money, they do not preach themselves, because of which they are forced to end their lives in the deep and dark valleys while living the life of the darkness of darkness.


     And the one who is the most vicious of the world, the evil, the robbers, the killers, the monsters, the demons, the violent human beings are violent. Those who use the best of the world to trap some innocent people in their trap, such as spreading their personalities by making them a world lining personality, by promoting their evil ideas, spreading their evil ideas under the guise of ordinary people by making them general leaders and they all do wrong things, which proves their meaning.


    By which the propaganda of the people who are ungrateful, false, violent, communal, hypocritical, pompous, is the means of living a whole life. The general public considers them his ideal great man that it is actor, politician, player, religion master, showing us the best and the best paths for whom ordinary people do not even care about their lives. In a packed market, they bombed the body with their bombs. Or throwing fire, millions of people of the people who rent a crowd that express a monster variety they prove their meaning.


     This hundred percentile truth is complete in the grip of the world's demons. Then what should be done by the truthful religious, simple heart, gentlemen, who do not have much money, neither have the means to them nor do they have a dangerous weapon to fight them. Because of which all these gentlemen have come into the grip of death in the absence of people. There is a way for them to prepare themselves and offer their own sacrifices in the fire pit of burning death. As Yogeshwar Krishna tells his disciple Arjun that this world is a war of war, you have to kill your own relatives and relatives.


     Because this is just doing wrong with you and violating your rights. It is your religion to kill all of these beforehand. If you make death available on the field while fighting, you will be able to get rid of it. If you victorious and Yogi win this Mahabharata war with your man, then you will get the kingdom of the world. Running away from war, in any situation, you are not good for a warrior like you. If you fight in the battle of war till the end of your life, then this is the ultimate religion. This is all the gentleman who is pressing and being crushed in this world. With whom this world and the evil nature of this people are behaving injustice, non-violence, unrighteousness, falsehood and making their prey.


       Those who are being trapped like fish in the net, I want to tell them that death is sure of everything, do not care too much about it, but try to bite the trap even though it does not leave the trap. Or, if you bite the trap, then become available to death, it is the well-being of the truth and the path of liberation. There is no other way than this.

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