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Love the friend, love the enemy also

Love the friend, love the enemy also (Drona charya)

Love the friend, love the enemy also. Today I was reading the Mahabharata, in which I read something that caused me a lot of shocks which caused me a lot, this parable is of Mahabharata. In which Yoga Guru Drona Charya lives in very guribi. They were born by a sage. And his wife, Kripi, who was kind enough to have a sister. This three people and two asthmasamnas and Draupadi Mahabharata have such a male-female who was born with the help of the womb without any woman, and they have not been told from anybody's womb. These people have achieved a lot of fame for their important role in the Mahabharata.


As we all know that Kripa Karya was the teacher of Kauravas and fought in the battle of Mahabharata standing in favour of Duryodhana and fought. Which was a very devastating war. Who was tired of a fierce battle due to a slight negligence?




This war happened in the middle of the two brothers, Kaurava and Pandav, in which Sara's essence was broken in two parts of the world, due to which millions of people and billions of people were cut like carrots. Thinking about this terrible tragedy, we start cutting our hearts.

In this Mahabharata book, we get information about very wonderful and unknowable subjects, the first thing that Mahabharata Kalin was such a lot of people who knew very well the incident happening in the future. Even then, without dismissing it, he used to say that it is already fixed and he says that that which has already been decided in praradhaad will be the same. Such an event is not hundreds of incidents. For example, I tell about two incidents, like Vidur knew that Duryodhana is building a palace of lakhs for the Pandavas, in which he has planned to burn the Pandavas and his mother alive. To avoid that, he tells Yudhishtir that only when the fire starts in the forest, only the chaos can escape. Because he deliberately saves his life in his Will and he also sends a man who goes to the palace of lakhs to worship the Pandavas and builds a tunnel to get out of that palace for them. is. So that all went out and ran away into the jungle. Where Bhim married Hidimamba and gave birth to a defective house.


The other thing is that Vyas says that Pandavas are born to Draupadi for you, that will be the cause of the struggle and you will extend all the great pleasures of all. For this, he sent the Pandavas to Panchal country.


We started talking with Dronacharya returning to the same way, as Drona was born in a couple of times due to which Drona was named after him, when Drona was receiving his education, at that time in his Gurukul, his friend Drupada named Raj Kumar There was a friend, who had promised him that when he becomes king then he will also be in Drona in his kingdom. And their own half will give the kingdom. But when Drona was suffering from severe poverty, and he went to Drupada when Drupada became king of Panchal after his father, but he insulted them very much and escaped from there. After that, Drona Hastina arrives in Purna and meets with Bhishma and she starts doing the education of Pandavas to the Kauravas. And when they prepare their warriors, then as the South, they have asked only for all their disciples that Drupada was tied and brought before them, it means that after so many years of exile Was also present. To send his revenge only to all his disciples, in which the Kauravas are badly defeated. And on the other side, Arjuna brings his strength to Drupada and brings Acharya to Drona. By which Drona does not take his life, although half of his kingdom takes part, and gives him half state and leaves him alive. There are two things here: Drona only defeated King Drupada for the sake of wealth, from his disciple Arjuna, it was known to others that he was interested in killing him. Yet he left him alive.


This Drupada continues to get a son who has been born only for his work, from the shelter of the rishis. That is, he had to kill Drona Charya, and Droopdi was to marry five Pandavas. Because he had received this verse from Shiva, whose last birth was known to diameter. That is why he sends Pandavas to Panchal to marry Draupadi. The next thing that is amazing is that the sight of the person who was born with Dronacharya murder only. These were produced from special sati. Both of these brothers and sisters were not born from the womb. All this weapon is taught by Drona in this vision. Knowing that it has only born to kill me. He says that whatever is to be the same in the form of Paragrishta, it is certain, then why should I envy it? That is, they meet him in all kinds of love and love for education, such evidence is very rare. The person who has purposely prepared his enemy in his own house. This has happened in the same way as the snake milk is being fed for it to kill the drinker with its poison. There are two things in it: The first thing that has accepted the truth by knowing it and did not try to escape from changing it. Secondly, keeping her in her shelter, she did not even try to kill him. Even though everything is easily accepted, its death also comes from the front By looking at the same way, keep on growing in fearlessly on the same side. We need to take these lessons seriously and I bow to these great men. In front of whom this death also knocks and knocks, which people embrace. This is an amazing parable of love even from enemy.

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