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Heart establishment of mind control

 Heart establishment of mind control

    Before controlling the mind, we have to understand that what is the mind is that the mind is indris, in the way that our body has five gynandries and five action senses, all these senses have the mind to subdue it. Those who use these outer senses to achieve the subject matter of their choice, because these senses are all extroverted by all. That is, their subject matter is the external world subject, but not with the mind, it absorbs the external subjects with its special ability. There is nothing more powerful in this world than the mind, because the human mind is made up of itself; the mind has been divided into four parts in Vedic scriptures. The mind, the mind, the intellect and the ego are the first ones that are the mind themselves, who make a choice of choice in front of a subject. The second is the mind, in which there is a collection of all the types of memories of each of your births. The third is the ego, in which there is a sense of self being, as if you are human. The body-friendly woman, man, or other animal is in the body of a bird, this body is known only by your ego. And secondly, this mind exists in all beings. And in this there is a ritual related to the body of every kind of organism. The same kind of rites awake in this body which is born with this mind. The form of the fourth mind is intellect, in this way the mind is divided into four parts. And they have different uses. It has been said in the minds of the inner strength that this mind does the work of awakening, though it also works while sleeping. To control this mind as it is said in our scriptures that it means restraining the mind, stopping the mind. To stop the activities of your body completely, it does not mean that the mind will be completely stopped. This means that the mind was roaming with its senses in the external subjects. Empowering him for the knowledge of inner subject soul. In Geeta, Arjuna asked Yogeshwar Krishna that it is very difficult to subdue this question, it is in the same way as if the air has to be subdued, Yogeshwar Krishna on it said that it can be in control It requires continuous practice and quietness.
    As Yoga comes in Yoga, Yoga Modification: It means that to add yoga means to one with the soul, first to stop the thoughts of your mind. That is to be free from the external subject. As the Sutras say that Yoga means, to stop the attitude of your mind, that is, the obstacles which obstruct the obstacles, giving them away from their own mind, as we all know, obstacles and disturbances often take worldly subjects in the world. It comes. And when it will be separated from worldly subjects. So it will be easy to get Samadhi. The mind is not to be controlled, the mind is changing the direction that the mind was once being engaged in with its senses and the worldly subject was indulging in enjoyment. To give direction to the same mind, first controlling these senses is to make it introvert. That means controlling the mind only means that you control all your senses which are the easiest, for that all kinds of methods have been created.
    For example, first of all, you understand your thoughts as if there is no feeling of violence or any kind of violence in our mind, to control it, you have to change your emotional state. In vain the pain of a person is a name of violence, and it is non-violence that somehow not letting anyone suffer from torture, that is, with the feeling of protection in every kind of the consciousness of the universal universe, here Have to move on the way. After this, you have to be responsible for your every work, that is, to put truth in your life. Because unless you have a sense of loyalty and devotion to the truth, then your mind will deceive you, here but separating you from your mind is simply the point. That you yourself are an eternal time oats are an animate element. Which never dies or is born. It is the conscious form of the soul, it is the mind because of which the creation of anger-hostile spirit, which causes the eternal wisdom of your soul to be destroyed, and in its place, in your mind it is created by the rituals of ignorance created it happens. That you are body, mind, intellect, body that walks through the senses, in which happiness and sadness arise. The thing that feels dear to your mind makes him angry, and that mind wants to absorb that topic over and over again. And sometimes even when it is not physically present, he conscientiously consumes that subject, due to which such kind of rituals are gathered in excessive amounts. Those who keep on sleeping, keep on walking according to their wishes all the time. You become a slave of the mind and travel through many infinite pathways. And here the mind starts to despise the object which is hurt. And tries to stay away from it. All you have to do is get the result of all this. You make a twelve-bar atonement, that there is work to do in which you will always find happiness, and there should never be any sorrow, for which your mind repeatedly assures you. And like the kind of illustrations you are satisfied It does not happen that will happen this way, but even then, there is a ruthless tendency towards rescales. Because you have no control over your mind. Because the mind has used it for a long time. How can you suddenly control him? What is the method of controlling him? He has never practiced it in your life. This means that not only is this life. Even in many births, you have lived in the shelter of this mind and senses, and its rites are still present on your mind. It is in the same way, as if water is dropped by anything, it will travel downwards, and the fire should be dropped from anything, it will travel on the top. So, in the way it is the nature of a substance in the way it is. In the same way, there is the quality of the mind. Because the mind is also made of substances as the water travels downwards, in the same way, this mind is always used to travel in the subjects of the world, although here the minds of the world like fire are consumed like fire. Taxes can rise above them. For which we have to develop our own intelligence. As the mind is always used to enjoy the subject with the senses in the external subjects, that is, it has been practiced. And when it is not available to the external subject, he will also offer you subjects in the fictional folk in your sleep situation. Which is called a dream? Sometimes there is such a dream that you have not even interviewed this human birth at any time. The reason for this is that the mind also awakens in your dream the rites of past lives. Because of this, it has been called a lot of power. If the non-violence is proven to be true, you will have to work on the stairs ahead, that is, in your mind the awakening of the deceit of deceit - to deceive or to denigrate. Which is not necessary, that will be due to the rites of this birth, it also exists in your mind due to the rituals of your previous birth. He has to remove himself from the words of mind. This task is the only task to stop the thoughts of one's mind. After that you have to keep your own body healthy. Because it is impossible to control the mind of man and his senses in the state of unrest. That is why you get the energy of your body which is prepared by eating your food, which gives strength to your body. That is why all the parts of your body work smoothly, which is called Brahmacharya. The way in which a car contains fuel, diesel, Mobil, etc. in the right amount, then it works well. Apart from this, special attention has to be given to maintenance. That is why the human body is also explained in the Upanishad as a vehicle by example. The way in which a car has four wheels, in the same way there are senses in the human body, and in the same way there is a handle in a car. In the same way there is a mind in the body. And the way in which a car has a driver. In the same way there is intellect in the human body. And the way the car owner occupies in the car, in the same way, the existence of a human in the human body, which is called consciousness, sits and travels in a body chariot. Apart from this, for the body's energy, you have to first understand that your body meets energy and how it is made. Every kind of work is done by one type of energy in our body. And this energy comes from the food we eat in our body. This food, when chewed in the mouth, chews into our bodies as a kind of beverage in the form of small particles. By which the first juice is made in our body, and by that juice itself, blood is made in our body, and with this blood only make the body of the body to make the fish, fat, medulla, bone and finally semen. By protecting this semen in the body, our body is fully developed and it increases strength in our body. Our body is a victim of diseases due to its absence. Because of which the inner person remains distracted and restless. Because of this, it cannot understand any subject easily. Nor can he concentrate himself in that subject. That does not make sense in that subject. The mind goes away only in those subjects, due to which the destruction of the body is possible as soon as possible. And the most dangerous thing in all of these is that work. And this work has doused the good old men, by controlling their minds. As Yogeshwar he says to Arjuna in Geeta. There is no one on the same strength of work, in this body, it also takes the mind on its side, it is very hungry. Its appetite is never calm, and it is never too old. That is, it always remains young. And it always remains strong, because it is not old with the body. This work transforms itself in the form of anger by being highly anxious, on being satisfied with its desire, and then rides anger over the mind. As a result, there is confusion in man's memory, which is why he is unable to understand it. What is auspicious for herself and what is inauspicious and in such a situation the intellect is destroyed. Because of which many human beings have attained immortal state, and many of them get involved in the most intriguing acts. Who does wrong and sins. Because of which, his consciousness has to bear unscrupulous bodies as a result of his actions till many lifetimes. And you have to suffer the pain of birth and death. Due to this, special emphasis has been given on this. The manner in which the animal is kept in the bird house, which is the nature of the animal, it is kept in captivity in that kind of pigeon, which is more dangerous. Equally strong cages are prepared for them. And for those simple animals, there is no one particularly vigilant, nor is there a very strong cage for them. Like lions, bears, birds, tigers, etc. are special animals, special care is given to them and arrangements are made for them to be well guarded and strong. Similarly, special attention is needed for this work. Because this work is the most dangerous attitude in all instances. Thereby it does not have knowledge of human being. Because in that condition, intelligence is not able to achieve success in controlling the mind due to lack of full energy. The way the car gets damaged due to not getting the equivalent petrol, diesel, or Mobil in the engine of the vehicle. And the driver cannot do anything even if he wants too much, he also has a hand in his hand, yet he is constrained. In the same way, the state of intelligence is in the same way. Therefore, those who walk on this path here must digest the energy of their bodies in their body. Which has been known by the name of Brahmacharya? Which means that a human being has learned to live in selflessness and who has learned to do every one of his actions by being helpless, that is, and who has taught to live with God? This work is never easy. That is why it has been said that as far as possible, you are happy. There is no compulsion to force any kind of emphasis. And even after this, the work does not work, that is, there is difficulty in protecting semen or adhering to celibacy. Do not give up even then, keep trying. The next step is to keep you lighter to walk on this path. Because of which you are able to fill your flight by becoming free in your inner sky. Because the more weight you have, the more you have to deal with anxiety and problems. To protect that thing and to maintain or maintain it, which will distract you from your own meditation. For this, you have to live a free life which means that to remove the subject which is causing the cause of excessive worry; it is to be removed from your life. Or remove them from yourself. The way the Vedas come in mantras is that the world is very strong in the form of a river in which all the sharp stones are smooth, due to which the flow of river water is very intense. You have to pass through it or cross this worldly river, you cannot cross it alone. That is, the river cannot be crossed by this river. To cross this, those who have crossed the river before this rugged river, will have to make their companions. And catching their hands will have to go through it carefully. There is no danger of drowning in it. Although there are smooth stones in the foothills of the river, you will not be allowed to stay in one place. That is, you can fall before you stand in this worldly river. Because of which the first thing you can get hurt is that you cannot have the courage to stand up again. That means your morale can only end or it may happen that there may be a deep wound in your body parts. Because of which you have difficulty in standing up, and in the same way as the boat sinks in a river, it will be sinking in the same way. That is why it is said that the boat which is in the river in the river in this world is your body and it is like a stone. Because the rituals of many births you have earned through your past birth deeds are all filled in it. Because of which its load is very high before it becomes very heavy, it has already made this boat stone, and you have to cross this dangerous river in this world by riding on this boat. Apart from this, many other man-eating hazardous violent animals have also made their dwellings in this world-wide river. They also have to protect their body type boat. In this way, giving attention to all these things, you have to bring the burden on your body and mind to as little as possible. And, as far as possible, you have to try, that is to free oneself from those who are in charge of all forms of past life. And the new type of load is not to be generated. There is only one means for this to let you develop your mind to develop your majesty, from which you can be able to interview the creator of this world only after being equal to God. Similarly, using the method Yogi has become very light like cotton, and has been able to travel along with the body through the way of the sky. The proof of which we get from studying the Vedas Being light means to create a special kind of power in you, due to which you are able to enter the world of matter beyond what is the world of consciousness. After this, special emphasis has been placed on the cleanliness from outside the body inside the body, which is known by the name of defecation, after which you should satisfy in the same amount as its reward, and with constant devotion Your means To continue on the path of 'A', you must continue to be proactive. On the path of meditation, you will also get many obstacles in obstacles, that is, someone can do this work for you, and anyone can feel bad, because of which he can also love you and hate you too. Could. These types of values, insults, colds and heat hunger may have to endure thirst. Who has been known by the name of 'Tacca'. That is, the meaning of ascetic means that it is said to tolerate any type of dualities without any anxiety or leniency, and continuing on its path continuously. And this is what you are doing, contemplating meditation on the experience that you are experiencing on this path, and trying to overcome them, and to put the good ones, ie the best qualities in your life, Keep on doing And all this is possible only by self-discipline, in the same manner as a physician who keeps an eye on his patient's illness all the time and he focuses on the improvement or the severity of the disease. And according to that, he uses drugs of the type to free the patient from the disease. Although, her illness is physical, which is related to the body? The doctor who treats the external. But this is the path of the journey of the journey itself, and it is not the other sick in it, although your heart is ill in it, whose doctor itself is you, for which you are very deeply contemplating your thoughts and self-meditation Have to do. That is, we have to constantly study the teachings of our own, and on where the error or the great work you have done will have to be encouraged for ourselves, and also the pain of penalties for wrongful work must be accepted. Because in this way your mind can be completely healthy. I.e. may be located in it. There is no other way than this. And by walking on this path you become the official of both the temporal and cross-temporal powers. And with this effort make your memory of God remembered. For which only a poet has said that now handing this life to God in your hands, now victory in your hands and our necklaces in your hands, i.e. God is to be initiated with all the deeds of his own, in front of God Try to proceed on this path by surrendering, because on this path, any other human being can do whatever he wants, he cannot be your assistant. Because it is not the road to travel outside the world. On which many people can come forward for your cooperation. This route cannot cooperate with any type of intermitted except in the inter-trip. And that is the intermittent meaning of Shiva, which is the welfare of everyone. Helps those who do their own help and who own their own and bear responsibilities of themselves, who do not put the weight of their work on someone else's shoulder. In this way, when you follow all these ideas in your life, a new stance of the ultimate bliss of life opens to you.

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