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Hinduism is losing its last rites.


Hinduism is losing its last rites.


    Do you know that Hinduism has become an old religion, and it is about to end from this earth, why it is, that Hinduism, which is the oldest religion in the world, its population is declining, and no single country has been fixed for this religion till date, on this earth,  On the contrary, when we look at other religions, we discover, that Islam and Christianity etc. are the newest religions, many of their countries are present on earth. And their population is also much more than that of the Hindus.

     If we look at Indian religion, we find that it is the oldest almost old religion in the world, in its name Puri is the most temples and inscriptions found in the world, and the oldest book Rigveda also belongs to Hinduism. This religion is now old, and is about to die, the way when a human being grows old, it ends, I am not saying the same thing, there are some strong reasons behind it, the first reason is that they  have been divided into such  differences, and they do not have much respect for their religion,  Due to which, from  time to time, the world came  to the land of  India from  time to time and  exploited it by trapping it in its clutches, and exploited the original caste here to a great extent.  It  is the crowd of those who call themselves Hindus and so-called, they never consider the subject, why this happened, even today no one is going to give much thought to this subject, although the people of other religions are constantly preaching it with great reverence and wholeheartedness to increase their population and to spread their religion. While those who call themselves Hindus do not believe in their own religion,  and do the opposite of their own religion, any caste that deceives itself and falls into the cover of ignorance lives on this earth today,  then it is a Hindu. As we all know, this is the law of science, that the one who has more quantity ends its existence by adding less than its own matter inside itself. For example, the way the Ganga ends itself  by going to the Ganga greens. This is the principle of merger and  merger  .  On the basis of this theory,  we can say that the way the number of Hindus is being abolished,  the day is not far away from a conspiracy when this religion  must have been its last rites. And it will end, if the work across this was not done in time.

     As when the Mughals came to India  , they, on the strength of their tyranny and sword, trampling the people of this Hindu religion and India  with their feet, captured it here, and captured the ancient buildings and nails here, and converted it in their Islamic way and  made  it their own possession of it forever by giving it their name,  Then came the British, and with the help of their gun and on the basis of tyranny, they  trampled this India and the Hindus here under  their feet and looted them, they were also the gurus of the Muslims, that is, even more ruthless than them, they spread all limits of their ruthlessness,  And in the end, they divided this India into two pieces and made one into Pakistan, and where only those who believe in Islam live, there  is still a lot of atrocity and exploitation of hindus because their number is very small.

    Earlier, the British changed the Indian system of education to strengthen their foundation, because when they came here to India, in spite of the atrocities of the Muslims, there were gurukuls in about 780,000  thousand villages of India, that is, in every village there was a gurukul, where education was given independently, it was stopped with power and their recognition was cancelled,  In its place,  the teachings of Lord Macaulay were  invoked, and the same education is still being given in India today, which is going to lift the Hindus from their roots, and make them enemies of Hinduism, today the result of the same is that only those who say their hindus do not know. ,  the beginning of who is the Hindu at the end of it, said how become and what are its basic pillars. In India, whose inhabitants know what we all call Hindus, it is a believer of Vedic religion, and Hindu it is also named by the Mughals and the British, which means a thief, a dacoit and a kafir, it comes in the Urdu language dictionary Lugdi of Islam, when muslims were made a separate country,  So he was not happy, stay here in India also and today he is  not happy with the Hindus,  the dispute of the temple mosque is going on continuously and there are riots happening day by day, sometimes in Delhi, sometimes  in Bangalore, sometimes in Ayodhya and in Kashi  from Kashmir, and the Hindus were completely massacred and thrown out of there.

    These Muslims  are very dangerous and wild people, they first forcibly entered our country, and made their abode here and are now  crying out of their hypocrisy in the name of secularism.

     Hindus are actually Vedic Aryans, they are related to the Vedas, and the Vedas  are  the most ramparts of  the world, they contain the science of knowledge, brahmagyan, Indian temples which are thousands of years old, the ancient idols that  have been carved there, all of them are in a way known as knowledge science and brahmagyan.  The work of handicrafts was done. In the earlier temple, there was no work of any murti puja, it was a kind of king's auditorium, the way  parliament  is building today, the British proved to be a source of anger even from the Muslims.   It  is at its peak today,  they exist, today  those who call themselves so-called Hindus are killing Hindus in a terrible way, exploitation and forcibly looting their  property,  today what Lord Mankale had imagined  has come true, today only those who call themselves Hindus and Indians are the British.   The offspring have been  born, and they  are engaged in eliminating the few genuine Hindus who are left, in this way the first danger  is Islam, they  are not such a great danger, it can be easily solved, by suppressing them, but by suppressing those who are English.  So, it is our Hindu caste that has been infected, they have prepared their double breed, they are all black Englishmen, today the biggest threat  to Hindus is from  their Hindus who are the so-called black Englishmen.

    Thus, now with three kinds of power, the Hindus alone who are the true  ones will have to fight to protect their existence, first, those who are external Muslims, who are increasing their population, they have to be controlled, they  have to be lifted above the  politics of mosques and temples, secondly, the Indian system of education will have to be re-imposed.  You have to make your children reverent to him, the third thing that Black English men is the third enemy,  who  is wearing the garb   of pseudo-disguised  Hindus,  has to protect himself from the so-called black British, it is the most dangerous,  they  have to be exterminated to control them . They will not have to surrender themselves to them and by  confiscating their property,  they will have to be motivated to live a simple life. Because they have the most so-called right over money,  all these business classes are, in  order to control them, the Government of India has to control them, secondly, their right is also very much over Indian politics, it is difficult for Hindus to escape without their redressal, these are the main reasons why it is difficult for the Hindus to escape without their redressal. Nor do I think it is impossible, because at first, they have grown old, Hinduism, secondly, there is also a disease in it like a domeak who is the so-called black Englishman.

   What is to say to the old man is that those who call themselves Hindus today, and they are young, do not know anything about the depth of their religion, today Hinduism has become so entangled in the temple, from which we have no elders to remove, because all the elders have also fallen prey to this ignorance.  He himself does not have knowledge, so what will he teach his children, if you say  that he knows, I want to ask where are the old people who used to  take vanaprastha and sanyas  after 50 years, because what was our ashram system has been completely destroyed. Today people are born at home,  and die in the house itself, and you all know very well what happens in the house, there is a business of physical happiness     .  We are World guru sage Maharishi Tyagi ascetics and brahmacharis who lived in solitude in the forest, their knowledge   was made up of the power  of science and celibacy, his sacrifice was penance and detachment. To restore this tradition,   the people themselves have to come forward.   And the freedom that has been given to the people   in the name  of secularism, the   right to commit adultery has  to be restricted within a limited scope . Where the questions are a matter of protecting the entire Hindu caste, and this very serious matter can be more serious than this, I cannot understand, today's political  leaders who consider themselves to be very patriotic, they did not understand that they are being politicized with them  also.  It was only to divert the minds of the large crowd or the entire Hindu caste from its essential functions that the controversy over this Ram temple was created by the British Government, and in its trap, the  big-benefactors of the Hindus themselves have been completely trapped by the  BJP.     

    We have to focus on our scientific subjects, our  Indian Vedic religion, whose origin is the Vedas, is purely a scientific treatise, today only one path  is left with the Hindu caste,  It is only by following the path on which it can be able to protect itself. There is no other way. All the commentary that has been made available today is  wrong, and that is being propagated today, in which the Arya Samaj is at the   forefront of which the followers of Maharishi Swami Dayanand  are engaged, he wants to prove that the way the Quran   revolves   around Muhammad Sahib. In the    same way,  Christians   revolve around The Bible, this is happening to the Vedas, it has become aryasamaji's own tahti, and dayananda  has the authority going on on one side,   At first, they were poisoned to death, then the sting of their name is being played.   In this way, neither this Arya Samaji is   perfectly capable of defining the Vedas   nor mythological because the science of knowledge of the Vedas is the basic foundation of brahmagyan   , the invisible consciousness, in the same way as the rays of the sun are there and the rays that come out of it are the Vedas, our system of education has been made keeping in mind our body today  ,  As the so-called English   attach more importance to the physical body itself, and they  consider material  happiness to be the ultimate wisdom . And that is why he constantly promotes the expansion of world war. This system of education is not suitable for our Indian people due to which this Hindu caste is known today as the greatest hypocrite and hypocrite, who call themselves scientists do not accept the truth of all the souls, those who live in India are the children of all the black British,  We have to be very careful of them. The way when the enemy starts living in our house dangerously poisonous  snakes,  our stay there is not free from danger, there are two ways to avoid it. The first way is to leave the house, which will not make the creature a sin of killing, but when we do not have a place to live,   So we have to kill that snake, because the in the time of emergencies rule and regulation is not important, all the dignity is followed in the normal time, when  there is an emergency , it becomes necessary to break the dignity. The time of such a calamity has come today on the Hindu caste, and this  is my   own experience, maybe, that I   am wrong on some  kind of a point,  but not entirely wrong, because I am not a normal man,  I know myself very well, and I have experienced,  the   Hindu caste living on this Indian land, because I myself am a Hindu, I should not say that I am   going to end,  and I am getting older, because I am india myself.   The way to my escape is,  that is, to save the soul of this India, we have to work very fast, and all the old paths are there, leaving them, we have to create a new path which has been adulterated in our knowledge, science and celibacy by the Mughals and the British in the middle, it has to be removed and separated,  I have separated myself from my own life, it is a different matter, that I   am not as strong as physically, but I am spiritually as the sun-like rays of light or of the Himalayas. Because of a world  I know which is prone to ignorance and dependent on each other's exploitation, though I myself do not exploit anyone, nor am I in any way in favour of it.         

   I am in favour of the knowledge science of brahmgyan, and I want to expand it, because by this one way we can be able to solve ourselves to the problem that is to come and to the present, and we have to be careful and alert that our past mistakes and ours have been betrayed and betrayed in the future.   

Manoj Pandey

Chairman Of Knowledge Science Brahmagyan


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