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Why we are intrested in our destruction?

Is the basis of life respect according to the scriptures?

Today, on 22 January 2024, Shri Ram Chandra's life was consecrated in the temple of Ayodhya, which is being glorified on a large scale all over the world, the construction of Ram temple is a political issue, this 500 years old struggle is going on.

 It was resolved by building a temple, which was politically fueled and a huge conflict broke out in which thousands of people were massacred. And on this basis, the Hindus of the whole world are being deceived that he is the protector of the Hindu caste and is making the Hindu caste respect him.

My job is not to prove that building Ram temple is wrong, building Ram temple is a good thing, people's faith is attached to it, along with it there are Hindu religious scriptures, those who do not consider Ram as God, they should be given a dignity. He is kept in the category of a man, Ram is a great man, the best among humans, and has a deep penetration in the hearts of the people, just as Shri Krishna has a place.

Indian Vedic scriptures neither consider Ram as God nor can life be established in an idol in any way, when life cannot be established in a living human being, then it is impossible to establish life in an idol.

When doing so is neither according to the scriptures, nor is it possible to establish life in any living being, then what is happening? All this on a large scale people are being fooled and on the other hand people are willingly accepting foolishness and becoming fools with great intensity.

In today's era, all human beings consider themselves independent, because this is the era of democracy, the government is monopolizing all human beings, it can force anyone to do in its favor by using its authority, people By intimidating and threatening people, this is a kind of dictatorship, just like Hitler or other dictators have been on this earth, the main issue here is not the construction of Ram temple and the saving of life in the idol of Ram. It is wrong to have a reputation, on one hand Indian Vedic philosophy and scriptures do not agree with it, it is wrong, yet a huge group of people have been prepared for it, they are in favor of it, and have struggled for it for a long time, due to which As a result this work has been accomplished today. In fact, the main issue here is that the so-called future human race, whom we call Hindus, whose number is highest in India in the entire world, has its own ideological belief and principled philosophy, on the basis of which it has continued to exist till date. It has protected its existence; will it be able to protect its existence today with the pomp and show of consecration of the temple and life? Because this politicization of religion is happening, it is very dangerous, because this religion is an esoteric subject, it is not related to politics, it is the work of politics, and such policies have to be made for the state and country. So that the country or state can protect itself properly, that is, to provide means of education, employment, health. Whereas the function of religion is quite the opposite, the relationship of religion begins where politics ends.

The field of politics is the external world, and the world of religion is internal, if we want to understand this in more detail, then we can say something like this, that religion is a mystery which is in everyone's heart along with everyone. And politics is present in everyone's mind. This does not mean that the brain is not needed in religion; it is needed, symbolically, because in India theology and political science are different.

Just as the basis of science is research and whatever is proved by research, science recognizes only that and on the basis of that, science protects its existence, in the same way, the basis of religion is also research, religion. It is also like science, when science is removed from religion, the existence of religion will be in danger. This is what is happening today, a huge conspiracy is going on to end the existence of religion, and this conspiracy is being carried out by none other than the politicians, and along with them is their entire system or administration, which is trying to monopolize religion by force. Are doing Just as a country needs a lot of hard work, time, money and knowledge to achieve success in every field of science, because on the basis of this, a country can protect its sovereignty and achieve its all-round development. Can protect. Similarly, religion is also needed, religion is not hypocrisy or ostentation, it is exactly equivalent to science, it makes man a complete human being, and it also requires hard work and research, not its Rejection as it is happening today. Just as 300 years ago people were not aware of the glamor of science at all. Countries like Europe were counted in the category of Dark Age. Similarly, along with today's India, the entire world is entering the era of fanaticism. This darkness of religion will engulf the brilliance of science and end the existence of science itself. As it happened during Ramayana and Mahabharata period. This terrible incident can be prevented from happening in the future, when people become true religious souls and do research in the field of religion without any ostentation or hypocrisy, and protect the religion. Otherwise religion will not protect anyone, religion will destroy everyone. Because extinguishing the sun does not mean, we have prepared an alternative to the sun.

 By creating an artificial sun. Today's people think that by establishing artificial religion, they will end the existence of real religion, as is going on today; it is just ostentation of artificial religion, which will end the existence of those who believe in it. As the rule of science is that fire is hot and water is cold, and when we give birth to an artificial science and it creates such a belief that fire is cold and water is hot, then when if they experiment, it will destroy those scientists and their followers and their own theory. That is why I say that whether it is the principles of religion or the principles of science, whoever tampers with them, or blindly follows an artificial theory in place of the eternal principle, and then the person who creates the artificial principle will be collectively destroyed along with his followers. .

People are getting destroyed in two ways, one is that a man is born alone and dies alone. These are the natural principles that work naturally with humans. As a result this happens. And secondly, when man makes himself powerful, when he artificially monopolizes nature, he artificially takes under his control what works naturally, and then he is left alone to save himself. For a person takes a group as his shield, just as the king of a country is a dictator, or the Prime Minister of a country, this person who represents a very large human population, he makes his personal beliefs by the power of his supremacy and might. He imposes his beliefs on the entire human group, those who are in favor of his beliefs are with him, and those who are not in his favor are against him, and when the water passes over the sheer That is, one who does not have power or authority, when his existence reaches the verge of ending then he is ready to end everything to protect his existence, due to which both the party and the opposition leaders And a war begins between kings or from one country to another, in which massacre takes place. And when a massacre takes place, the common people who have no crime are killed in it. With this, the dictator is also killed, along with whom the wealth of the state and the human wealth also end due to famine. This has happened many times; only on this earth human culture has been successful in saving its existence which has learned from its history. And the one who has not done this, that human being and his entire culture, civilization, tradition, religion, everything has been destroyed. Those whose everything has been destroyed, those who have become poor, they are now ready to destroy what they have, we have to save our culture, religion and our civilization from them, this is our religion, this struggle. This will definitely happen, because at this time the demonic Maya, which has been monopolized by the businessmen, thinks that on the basis of money, they can exploit the entire humanity by showing their magical power. They are doing so, but this game will end their existence. Because unrighteousness always gets destroyed, that which is eternal does not get destroyed, because religion is eternal and eternal, and whoever stands up to destroy religion, no matter how powerful he is, how big his army or wealth. Religion alone is capable of destroying everyone. Because religion is timeless and invisible, just as darkness can never eliminate light, because absence of light means existence of darkness, if there is light then darkness cannot be present there. If there is darkness, it means that light is being prevented from coming there, whereas it cannot be stopped because light is not like darkness. Darkness is in nature which is inanimate, and light is animate, it is in inanimate. Can also illuminate and the conscious self has eternal light. So ignorance, darkness and unrighteousness subjugate only the inanimate things, as long as the human intellect remains under the control of the inanimate mind, its destruction is possible only when the human intellect becomes capable of interviewing the true religion of the conscious soul. He does not need to consecrate his life in any idol; he automatically consecrates his life in his soul. He is a seeker of power and a true religious soul.

Acharya Manoj Pandey

President Gyan Vigyan Brahmagyan Vedic School

Chhanbe Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh India 9305008616                                        

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