O humans, such as a single molecule that is appearing as rustic like the season. The one who is constantly moving, is …
हे मनुष्यों जैसे एक अकेला अणु जो ऋतु के समान शास्वत शोभायमान प्रकट हो रहा है। जो निरंतर गति कर रहा है घोड़े के समान व…
The manner in which it is sweet sweet with the nature of the reed, its improves and healer also imposes and degra…
This is known by many names from a nuclear element. As the Vedas say (Ek Sadvavipra Vadanti), the entire universe is j…
Do not think of anyone in your heart any time, power of self by yourself, nor do you forget to think of someone as wea…
With the help of this knowledge, ie knowledge science, Brahmagni, only the entire substance under the Dualk astro…
You are the one who will blame the faults of faults. You are the only weapon of weapons. You also have the streng…
वीर्यरक्षा हमारा जीवन हमारे शरीर से बना है और हमारा शरीर हमारे विर्य से ताकतवर बनता है। शुक्र को 'वीर्य' भी…
Knowledge Science Brahmagnan is like an atom, just as there are three molecules in an atom. Similarly, there are…
The only my experience I have experienced from my dear friends is that I go here in the world that the more peop…
The world always follows and hears only those who have made great achievements for themselves. It does not matter …
What is the difference between knowledge and truth? All of us are told that truth is knowledge. For example, if …
ज्ञान और सत्य में क्या अन्तर हैः- हम सब को बताया जाता है कि सत्य ही ज्ञान है उदाहरण के लिये यदि हमें किसी विष…
ओ३म् पृथिव्याऽअहमुदन्तरिक्षमारुहमन्तरिक्षाद्दिवमारुहम्। दिवो नाकस्य पृष्टात् स्वर्ज्योतिरगाहम्।। 17,67 L…
ओ३म् पृथिव्याऽअहमुदन्तरिक्षमारुहमन्तरिक्षाद्दिवमारुहम्। दिवो नाकस्य पृष्टात् स्वर्ज्योतिरगाहम्।। 17,67 आवरा…
ओ३म् इषेत्वर्जे त्वा वायव स्थ देवो वः सविता प्रार्पयतु श्रेष्ठतमाय कर्मणऽ ¬- आप्यायध्वन्याऽइन्द्राय भागं …